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    GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then


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    GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then Empty GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then

    Post  Mfar Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:21 pm

    Then they asked me to take a survey on how I would rate their customer service!!!! Are you kidding me!? My issue was that friends weren't able to leave me collection items, several of them informed me and none of them had gifted me previously that day and their counters were not to ten. I sent GI a support question and this was the reply I got.

    "Thank you for informing us about your results! We are always very glad to be in the know of your success!

    Anyway should there be questions you need our assistance with, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team. We shall do our best to help you!

    Your Support team
    Lily Evans"

    Followed by this : "Dear mistyfarris,

    We are going to go ahead and mark your request as solved. If you have further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to reply to this email and we will gladly further assist you.".

    Granted, I am able to receive collection items now but the replies seemed very strange. Why not just say "have we fixed the problem?".

    So then today I get this :
    Dear mistyfarris,

    We'd love to hear what you think of our customer service. Please, take a moment to answer one simple question by clicking either link below:

    How would you rate the support you received?

    Good, I'm satisfied

    Bad, I'm unsatisfied

    And I'm honestly not sure how to even answer (not that it matters) because my problem was fixed but my "customer service" was less than satisfactory!!!

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    GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then Empty Re: GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then

    Post  Kristi927 Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:35 pm

    I just had to say lmao. I needed a good laugh.

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    GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then Empty Re: GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then

    Post  Chickenchick111 Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:02 pm

    I got the same request each time after they'd marked my issue resolved BEFORE they even typed their answer to me! ;-)

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    GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then Empty Re: GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then

    Post  diana621 Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:50 pm

    The problem may be 'resolved', it's just not 'resolved to the customer's satisfaction'.

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    GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then Empty GI Customer what????

    Post  rockinhwife Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:26 pm

    Each time I have sent in a support ticket request to them I always get a form letter response back. It usually takes me demanding that they resolve my problem or if that person cannot do so to escalate it to next tier of support. I have been told by GI's Support that they have no tools to investigate problems with that most gaming companies utilize to research problems with by searching through a players data records. It is obvious that they keep information stored on their servers due to quests, Achievements and Rankings. I have an open ticket with them since Monday, 8/13/12, which of course the first email was a form letter. After two more emails it has now been escalated to the "specialist" who will be looking for a solution that "may take some time". Do you think I should give them a good rating on their customer service? What a Face

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    GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then Empty Re: GI responded unintelligibly to my problem and then

    Post  Hilly Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:02 am

    Oh dear, GI support does sound rather amateurish Sad

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