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3 posters

    Friends that can be visited but nothing else?


    Posts : 27
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    MM Name : StahlBS

    Friends that can be visited but nothing else? Empty Friends that can be visited but nothing else?

    Post  StahlBS Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:31 pm

    So I have a friend that I'm guessing is on the current version because I can visit him, but once I get to his manor it stops giving me the option of going to another friends manor and will not let me gift or tip him or basically anything. He's in my friends list, so I'm confused lol I don't want to delete someone for no reason but it doesn't seem very beneficial to either of us since I can't do anything on his page. Thoughts? Smile

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    Friends that can be visited but nothing else? Empty Re: Friends that can be visited but nothing else?

    Post  tatteredlace Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:18 am

    Is it possible he might have removed you from his friends list but you still see him on yours? I ask because there is someone I deleted from my list about two weeks ago and yet they have managed to send me wall requests every day since then - their name shows up on my wall with just a 'visit' button not a 'reply' button, and when I visit them I can't tip, gift or message. They are definitely not on my friends list and yet I must show up as being on theirs for them to send wall requests. It's really bizarre, there has even been an update since I removed her and we have both updated our games and yet I must still be showing on her friends list?! confused...

    Anyway possibly the same has happened to you? Has he sent any wall requests to you, and if so, do you have both the 'visit' and 'reply' buttons next to his request? Because if a friend is removed then the 'reply' button disappears.

    Also has he changed his username recently? I think it used to be a bit glitchy when you visited the manor of someone who had changed their name...

    Posts : 97
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    Friends that can be visited but nothing else? Empty Re: Friends that can be visited but nothing else?

    Post  Sharbee Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:58 pm

    This has come up before.

    As to the reasons why, I don't think it is any clearer. I had a new friend the other day I could gift and request, but on visiting, could not tip, message or move left or right to visit another friend. This time though, it resolved itself and I could keep my new friend, rather than delete them. This had nothing to do with a recent update either.

    GI's faultless programming I guess Rolling Eyes

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    Friends that can be visited but nothing else? Empty Re: Friends that can be visited but nothing else?

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