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    Requesting Collection Items?


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    Requesting Collection Items? Empty Requesting Collection Items?

    Post  tracy.kaszuba Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:59 pm

    How can I request a gift of a collection item from one of my friends that have excess in their collections?

    I've seen where they request items from me that end up on my wall, but I don't know how I can request them. I've seen where I can request the spools of thread, scissors, klein bottles and those items, but not the actual collection items themselves.

    I appreciate any help/guidance!

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    Requesting Collection Items? Empty Re: Requesting Collection Items?

    Post  CheezerWhizzer Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:44 pm

    You cannot request collection items the way you do chargers. You should send a wall message and offer to trade. Collection items are harder to come by. Just because someone has extras doesn't mean they will give them up for free. They might, but you should offer a trade. It's more polite.

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    Requesting Collection Items? Empty Re: Requesting Collection Items?

    Post  tracy.kaszuba Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:51 pm

    How do you send a wall message to a specific person or offer a trade? I got wall requests from friends that already had a specific item in it. I'm not quite sure where to go or how to go about doing it??

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    Requesting Collection Items? Empty Re: Requesting Collection Items?

    Post  CheezerWhizzer Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:03 pm

    Those are charging items, not collection items. You send those requests by going to charge the collection, seeing you don't have enough of that charger and tapping the "ask a friend". You then choose which friend to request the item from. That's how you get those wall requests. You cannot request a collection item that way. You can send a charging item to a friend without it subtracting from your own supply. Not so with collection items.

    To ask to trade, visit the friends manor and type a message on their wall. Like, "can you trade me something for a bird milk?". Most friends will reply. Some won't and will just send. Others might ignore your message, especially if they aren't playing daily.
    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Requesting Collection Items? Empty Re: Requesting Collection Items?

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:29 pm

    Honestly, I think the best thing to do is put it on your wish list. Every friend who visits your manor will look at your wish list, and it automatically tells them how many they have of each item on your list. If they want to gift it to you, they will. I have found that most players are very willing to share, especially when they have plenty.

    However, if someone does share with you, I think it is important that you thank them by going to their manor and seeing if you have anything on their wish list that you can help them with. If you're just starting out and the other player is a high level player, then they may have much more than you. In that case, you can always leave them tips (if you have any left), leave them a charger (I try to see which ones they need), and leave them a thank you message on their wall. The main thing is to let them know you appreciated their gift.

    As you continue to play the game, be sure to give forward. So even if you can't always give back to those who gave you collectibles, when you see someone newer than you, remember the kindness you received and share it with the next new player by giving to them. I have a deal with some of my high level "Santas" that instead of giving back to them, I seek out new players and give to them (I'm pretty new myself). That way the kindness continues to move to the next person.

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    Requesting Collection Items? Empty Does gifting from wall requests reduce your inventory?

    Post  coopercc Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:57 pm

    Has anyone confirmed that gifting from the gift box or wall requests come out your inventory? I've seen posts on this site indicate they do not, but then I notice items missing after I gift. BTW, Vicki, you are great gifted and friend to have in the game!


    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Requesting Collection Items? Empty Re: Requesting Collection Items?

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:42 pm

    coopercc wrote:Has anyone confirmed that gifting from the gift box or wall requests come out your inventory? I've seen posts on this site indicate they do not, but then I notice items missing after I gift. BTW, Vicki, you are great gifted and friend to have in the game!

    Thank you! That's very nice of you to say! The feeling is definitely mutual! Very Happy Although, I'm running into a problem of getting more gifts, especially collectibles, than I can possibly pay back (or forward) each day. I keep running out of my limit of 10 much too early and I have to carefully ration out my tips. I can't wait until my level gets higher so at least I'll have more tips to give out!

    Gifted collectibles always come out of your inventory.

    Gifted chargers do not come out of your inventory. So if you see a charger on someone's wish list that's not on your gift list but you have it in your stock, you can send one to the friend without losing any from your inventory.

    So, basically, if it's a collectible, it will always come out of your inventory. If it's a charger, it will never come out of your inventory. I hope that helps! Very Happy

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