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    Quests.... Empty Quests....

    Post  Mbstr8k Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:12 pm

    Is there a quest that requires a quantity of Tom the rabbit? I have a friend who has them on their wish list, and they already own 5.

    Has anyone kept track of what Quests require multiples of the same item from your collection to complete? I know there is the monkey quest and lover's ikebana quests... What other quests have been found? And more importantly, which ones can you lend items for and which ones take the items afterwards? I'd hate to ask for a loan, but not be able to return something!! :-)

    (wish there was one asking for plungers!)

    Posts : 969
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    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  Admin Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:32 pm

    As far as I know, there isn't a quest that requires large amount of Tom Rabbits. I'm not on my iPad right now, but off the top of my head here are a few quests that require a large quantity of items:

    - Flying Monkeys (50)
    - Tool set (30)
    - Lube oils
    - Nails
    - Planks
    - all sorts of ninja weapons
    - Ikebanas (10)
    - Pliers (20)
    - Book of Merlin (Qty 5)
    - Drunken Joe Whiskey (20)
    - Various locks (5 each)
    - Wise Laughing Buddha (10)
    - Various Pistols (10 each)

    Updated to the best of my recollection and kmad's input.

    Last edited by Admin on Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:34 am

    Admin wrote:As far as I know, there isn't a quest that requires large amount of Tom Rabbits. I'm not on my iPad right now, but off the top of my head there are a few quests that require a large quantity of items:

    - flying monkeys
    - gears
    - lube oils
    - nails
    - planks
    - all sorts of ninja weapons
    - ikebanas
    - wrenches
    - books collection (qty 5 charged collections)

    Ninja weapons are 10 a ninja...flying monkeys you keep until it asks for 50 and then it takes that amount. Lube oil is with the robots so get the oil first then start banishing robots...ikebanas are 10 and you keep...also the quest for the locks require 5 for some of them...

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    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:03 am

    Admin wrote:As far as I know, there isn't a quest that requires large amount of Tom Rabbits. I'm not on my iPad right now, but off the top of my head here are a few quests that require a large quantity of items:

    - Flying Monkeys (50)
    - Tool set (30)
    - Lube oils
    - Nails
    - Planks
    - all sorts of ninja weapons
    - Ikebanas (10)
    - Pliers (20)
    - Book of Merlin (Qty 5)
    - Drunken Joe Whiskey (20)
    - Various locks (5 each)
    - Wise Laughing Buddha (10)
    - Various Pistols (10 each)

    Updated to the best of my recollection and kmad's input.

    Can I borrow and return Buddhas or are they taken? Thanks in advance!

    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  Admin Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:20 am

    It was a long time ago since I had that quest..

    I believe they are not taken.

    (Doing my taxes! Most depressing time of year...)

    Posts : 284
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    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  engineer Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:25 am

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Admin wrote:As far as I know, there isn't a quest that requires large amount of Tom Rabbits. I'm not on my iPad right now, but off the top of my head here are a few quests that require a large quantity of items:

    - Flying Monkeys (50)
    - Tool set (30)
    - Lube oils
    - Nails
    - Planks
    - all sorts of ninja weapons
    - Ikebanas (10)
    - Pliers (20)
    - Book of Merlin (Qty 5)
    - Drunken Joe Whiskey (20)
    - Various locks (5 each)
    - Wise Laughing Buddha (10)
    - Various Pistols (10 each)

    Updated to the best of my recollection and kmad's input.

    Can I borrow and return Buddhas or are they taken? Thanks in advance!

    Nope, not taken. That one took me a while!

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    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:30 am

    Admin wrote:It was a long time ago since I had that quest..

    I believe they are not taken.

    (Doing my taxes! Most depressing time of year...)

    I think we all need a golden Buddha while working on taxes!! Will work on mine later today while recharging......sigh.

    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  Guest Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:08 pm

    Quest 'preparing for work' requires 10 of each laser sword/plasma rifles/blasters...

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    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  kelkel16 Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:51 am

    Mbstr8k wrote:Is there a quest that requires a quantity of Tom the rabbit? I have a friend who has them on their wish list, and they already own 5.

    Has anyone kept track of what Quests require multiples of the same item from your collection to complete? I know there is the monkey quest and lover's ikebana quests... What other quests have been found? And more importantly, which ones can you lend items for and which ones take the items afterwards? I'd hate to ask for a loan, but not be able to return something!! :-)

    (wish there was one asking for plungers!)

    They probably just want to get magnets.

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    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  Trekker Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:30 pm

    Speaking of quests... I have a quest called "Drill a Hole in the Wall". Basically it's a quest to assemble the drill to enter the laboratory, and then to enter the lab itself.

    I'm just curious if anyone else has had this quest, or if it's something that showed up because it's taking me too long to get into the lab. (Had to find someone that could send me the air conditioners.)

    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    Quests.... Empty Re: Quests....

    Post  Admin Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:45 am

    Yes, that is a normal quest. I remember getting it even though it didn't take me long to charge the Crystal Drill. I think it is a standard quest.

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