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•Vicki bans GI•
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    Calla flower


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    Calla flower Empty Calla flower

    Post  Sinclair Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:12 pm

    Hi, MM friends,
    I am in a quest of the calla flower and still look for the 3rd and 4th flower. They come from gypsies which trade with brooms and sadles. I think its cheaper just to buy these flowers for 10 diamonds each. Does anyone has other experiences or tips to get these flowers in a cheaper way?
    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:48 pm

    Go ahead and get the saddles and brooms. The saddles are very easy to get, and I think they both count toward achievements (I know the brooms will).

    To get the brooms, charge collection #15 Dust Bunnies. If you put the rabbits on your wish list, people will often gift them to you. You'll eventually need 300 for an achievement to banish the old gypsy woman so it's good to start working on this now. The achievement counts previous banishes so you can work on it before you get that far without losing anything.

    The saddles are much easier to get. They come from collection #20 Gypsy Harness. To get tons of the items for that collection, do a gypsy run (first posted by Sooz, I believe).

    What you do is get a set of horses and charge collection #22 Fussy Horses. This will give you 50 silver horseshoes. Then run a Turtle of Luck and go to other manors, banishing the Gypsy (just that one character, the guy with the orange shirt). He will give you a whole lot more horses, as well as items for collection #20 that you need for the saddles. This is also an excellent way to level up since you get coins and experience from the Gypsy. Keep charging collection #22 to get more silver horseshoes so you can keep going until you get enough items to charge collection #20 to get all the saddles you need.

    While this may take longer than having someone gift the flowers to you, you will benefit in the long run by not only working towards your achievements, but also by leveling up. Once you get enough horses collected, you can then do gypsy runs without running a turtle to level up anytime you want. I used to use this technique to level up to get more energy or tips whenever I needed.
    Missing MM and a little bored without it, but I'll adjust.

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    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  Sinclair Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:10 pm

    Hi Vicki, thank you for this very usefull answer. You are such a good friend. cheers
    I just got to know you, but miss you already. Good luck with your academic challenges and hopefully you return to the game one day albino
    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    MM Name : •Vicki•

    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:24 pm

    Thanks, Sinclair! I'm glad that was helpful to you. I'm missing you guys, as well (can you tell with me still haunting this place? LOL!). I think I would be right back at the game about now if I hadn't deleted everyone and deleted the game which is why I did that (to keep me from going back). It was still the right decision, but I feel lost without MM right now. At least I get to enjoy the game vicariously through you guys. Very Happy

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    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  DeniseMM Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:26 pm


    Last edited by DeniseMM on Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:23 am; edited 1 time in total

    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  Guest Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:12 pm

    DeniseMM wrote:Not sure why, but I am not remembering a calla flower. Where is it in collections? Where is it found?


    Calla flower is an artifact Smile

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    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  DeniseMM Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:17 pm


    Last edited by DeniseMM on Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:22 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  rab Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:49 am

    Detective chests give 500 room keys to each of the paid rooms except for the new Selene room. AFAIK, they have nothing to do with banishers for monsters

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    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  Rumorkid Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:39 am

    I got the one from the baron quit quickly but i have exchanged with the old gypsy women like 15-20 times (nd really i just don't like giving up so much collectibles) and still nothing so i think i'm gonna give up, i needed a lot of bunnies and asked for them but really i can't seem to drop it even with turtle or whatsoever,no luck for me. Thing also is that orchid isn't easy to find with your friends, still haven't found anyone who wanted to gift or trade it.

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    Calla flower Empty Re: Calla flower

    Post  FaeryOdd Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:24 pm

    I gave up on the old gipsy woman after around 50 tries, is it this difficult for most people?
    xx Vix xx
    xx Vix xx

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    Calla flower Empty Bunnys!

    Post  xx Vix xx Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:55 pm

    FaeryOdd wrote:I gave up on the old gipsy woman after around 50 tries, is it this difficult for most people?

    I just left 1 dust bunny at a time on my WL, you get a lot from Mystery Gifts & lower level friends love to use them to trade for stuff they need! I'm only about 10 away from hitting the 300 now. I tend to use a turtle when trading, and the gypsies are very useful for leveling up Very Happy

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