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    Gifting more than 10 collection items


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    MM Name : Jellie68

    Gifting more than 10 collection items Empty Gifting more than 10 collection items

    Post  jellie68 Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:10 am

    I just wondered if there was any way of being able to gift more than 10 friends with collection items.
    I thought that if u paid 10 diamonds u could drop the counter and reset. I tried that but it did not work.
    Can anyone help me?

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    Gifting more than 10 collection items Empty Re: Gifting more than 10 collection items

    Post  lell Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:14 am

    Did you drop the counter in the "choose a gift" tab rather than the "send collection" tab? (As I have done in the past!)
    If you did indeed drop counter in send collection tab, you may want to contact GI Support.
    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Gifting more than 10 collection items Empty Re: Gifting more than 10 collection items

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:36 pm

    jellie68 wrote:I just wondered if there was any way of being able to gift more than 10 friends with collection items.
    I thought that if u paid 10 diamonds u could drop the counter and reset. I tried that but it did not work.
    Can anyone help me?

    As Lell pointed out, you need to be sure you're dropping the right gift counter. There's one for chargers (the 50 gifts you can send each day) and a different one for collectibles (the 10 gifts you can send each day). Paying to drop the counter on one does not affect the other.

    However, there are some gifts that don't count against any of the counters. These are the collectibles that have a cash register symbol next to them. Many of the flowers in the artifacts are like this. So are the guns in collection #101, Guardian of the Universe. There are several others. You can gift multiples of these items to anyone and they do not count against any of your limits.

    I used to gifts these items liberally in order to gift far more than the limit of 10 collectibles each day.

    You can even combine them with other collectibles and chargers for the same person. For example, you can send 3 roses, 1 collectible, and 1 charger (a total of 5 gifts) to one friend all at once and it would only count as 1 (of 10) collectible and 1 (of 50) charger for your daily total.

    When you gift items with the cash register symbol, they are deducted from your inventory; however, there are no limits as to how many you can send a person. So if you have 100 Laser Pistols, you can send all 100 to the same person at one time. You can even send a combination of gift register items at the same time. So you can send 10 Laser Pistols and 10 Laser Swords all at once (as long as you have them in inventory).

    It is usually best to first gift the cash register items, then the collectible, and then the charger if you want to send a combination of gifts at the same time. Once you leave the person's manor, you cannot gift them again until reset, and that includes cash register items.

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