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    Update today 29/10/12


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    Post  Samc147 Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:42 am

    I am installing it now Smile

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    Post  Sakura Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:57 am

    Samc147 wrote:I am installing it now Smile
    Did you find something new?

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    Post  Samc147 Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:58 am

    Sakura wrote:
    Samc147 wrote:I am installing it now Smile
    Did you find something new?

    Loads there is a new room to be opened and new quests and 5 new collections.

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    Post  skiptx Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:21 am

    Samc147 wrote:
    Sakura wrote:
    Samc147 wrote:I am installing it now Smile
    Did you find something new?

    Loads there is a new room to be opened and new quests and 5 new collections.

    I'm installing it now too. I think it should have the full moon / Halloween / Samhain activities. The update description said something about the undead.

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    Post  helian Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:29 am


    My question with any update is: what have they mucked up now?

    I still need a few hundred oil cans (only gone through 800 so far :-P) and of course the artifacts stacking. If anyone can please confirm that these still work under the new update, I'd be ever so grateful.

    The update description says that we can "use in-app money to complete difficult quests and move on." If they actually allow us to buy oil cans with coins, I might actually forgive them for blocking me last week. LOL I won't hold my breath though. I'm curious what people find out about that though.

    Thanks so much for jumping into the new frontier


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    Post  Samc147 Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:39 am

    Oil cans are dropping from every room every time you play Smile

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    Post  Debinapril Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:13 am

    Samc147 wrote:Oil cans are dropping from every room every time you play Smile

    Same here thank goodness! I hope they're fixed the glitch when the robot capture doesn't update the quest. I've lost 25 cans that way!

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    Post  Sakura Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:01 pm

    Samc147 wrote:Oil cans are dropping from every room every time you play Smile
    So everything still like before including stacking charms too?

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    Post  Samc147 Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:04 pm

    Sakura wrote:
    Samc147 wrote:Oil cans are dropping from every room every time you play Smile
    So everything still like before including stacking charms too?

    I have not tried that yet.

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    Post  Demdike Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:34 pm

    Use in game currency as long as they're diamonds. Can't buy anything new with coins. Keys to fight the necromancer available from dakr adepts and priestesses or buy. Bone goblets to enter crypt also available to buy. Chests with 150 room keys and 15 of all 4 charging items for rooms also available to buy. New flaming pumpkin quest find 25 or pay diamonds to finish. Collect items to open crypt or buy with diamonds.
    Are we seeing the common demominator here?

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    Post  Katyc Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:57 pm

    Not sure about all artefacts/charms, but I ran a rose artefact and a golden Phoenix and it worked. And the best bit - oil cans from every room search:)))) (running a turtle already so not sure what the drop rate is like without) but no more searching the bathroom in curse mode for me!

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    Post  Sharbee Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:50 pm

    One thing I have noticed since this update:

    I still have Golden Lily of the Valley quest going for the Spring Aroma Artifact collection, I've had this for the last 2 full moons but didn't complete after I realised, once complete, you don't get more! ( I can be a bit slow! ).

    Anyway, point I'm trying to make is, tipping is really slow atm (like in slow motion) and I haven't had a single Daffodil drop after 500 tips to various friends. I have 106 daffodils already so I guess no more amassing, I may as well complete quest then.

    I also have to banish Succubi for the Golden Tulip, for the Tryst Flower Artifact, but as I have no silver rolling pins, I can't comment on that.

    Is anyone else experiencing tipping being really slow? And if you have the GLV quest, that you aren't getting anymore Daffodils?


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    Post  Chrisjuvers Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:12 pm

    I am so mad about this update. I mean 10,000 hits/points to kill the boss? And you have a timer running of 8 hours. I really don't think this is possible. You can only use your garlic necklace one time because it takes it 8 hours to recharge. Not to mention that all your inventory and collection items are being used up. Very unhappy about this one!

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    Post  Chrisjuvers Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:19 pm

    I invited my friends that updated to come help me kill the boss. I wonder if we kill him together, do we all win???

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    Post  hawkeyegirl Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:53 pm

    Chrisjuvers wrote:I am so mad about this update. I mean 10,000 hits/points to kill the boss? And you have a timer running of 8 hours. I really don't think this is possible. You can only use your garlic necklace one time because it takes it 8 hours to recharge. Not to mention that all your inventory and collection items are being used up. Very unhappy about this one!

    Can you explain further? I don't think many of us are up to the point where we are "killing the boss" yet. Wink

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    Post  Chrisjuvers Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:23 pm

    hawkeyegirl wrote:
    Chrisjuvers wrote:I am so mad about this update. I mean 10,000 hits/points to kill the boss? And you have a timer running of 8 hours. I really don't think this is possible. You can only use your garlic necklace one time because it takes it 8 hours to recharge. Not to mention that all your inventory and collection items are being used up. Very unhappy about this one!

    Can you explain further? I don't think many of us are up to the point where we are "killing the boss" yet. Wink

    There is a boss "Gregorius de morte" that appears after you complete the new quest in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. I tried to look at the name but all that comes up is the boss. You " fight" him and try to kill him. He has 10,000 points of " health" and you have an 8 hour time limit that starts counting down in which to defeat him. You fight him with tools from your inventory. You use collections 128, 129, & 130. Each collection item has a " damage" counter on it. Ex: van helpings arsenal, hunters ring, damage 50 points. It takes 10,000 points to defeat the Gregorius de morte. Each item in the 3 collections has a time limit in which it can be used to strike again. You can only use the garlic necklace once in 8 hours to "hit" the boss. I guess multiple people will have to fight together or there's no way that the boss will be defeated.

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    Post  rab Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:38 pm

    The following info applies ot the FB version, i expect there is some overlap so it might be helpful background info

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    Post  StahlBS Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:35 pm

    Once I got all the items from friends, I joined a "fight" with two other friends who I guess had started recently instead of starting a new one. The timer only had four hours on it and the boss was half defeated. I only got to look at it for a second because of class but used a few items and took away maybe 500 of his points. When I got out of class it was over, I got a chest with a few food/coll items and the keys to get into the new room. I was in last place so I assume u get more items/keys if u take more energy away from him when he is defeated. Now there's a timer saying I can play the room for a little under two hours. Then I guess we have to defeat him again?

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    Post  karen_ni Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:31 am

    This is something new/weird I noticed tonight. I sent all of my wall requests, including to those who I had already gifted and so I assumed because it allowed me, that my gift counter had reset but when I tried to send a charge item to someone I had already gifted, it wouldn't let me, that's when I looked and my counter still hadn't reset but for some reason I was still able to send all of my wall requests. Either it is a glitch in my game or they are allowing us to send wall requests to those who we have already gifted. Anyone else notice this?

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    Post  Dermi Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:22 am

    karen_ni wrote:This is something new/weird I noticed tonight. I sent all of my wall requests, including to those who I had already gifted and so I assumed because it allowed me, that my gift counter had reset but when I tried to send a charge item to someone I had already gifted, it wouldn't let me, that's when I looked and my counter still hadn't reset but for some reason I was still able to send all of my wall requests. Either it is a glitch in my game or they are allowing us to send wall requests to those who we have already gifted. Anyone else notice this?

    Yes, I noticed the same thing. Also, if we want to send all of the allotted 10 collection items to the same friend, we can do that, as long as we gift them from their WL. We can also send all of our 50 charge items to the same friend if it is on their WL. If a friend has pay item, such as flowers, mech helpers, etc., we can gift those without the coll counter being reduced.

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    Update today 29/10/12  Empty Monsters

    Post  Caz Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:20 am

    Anyone else got monsters roaming around their manor yet? I had a message from a friend who said she had loads but when I visited nothing was showing, and I mean nothing!! I fear we have found what GI have taken away in the update. I hope I'm wrong but I'm fearing the worst!!

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    Post  rab Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:57 am

    Jacobsplace wrote:Anyone else got monsters roaming around their manor yet? I had a message from a friend who said she had loads but when I visited nothing was showing, and I mean nothing!! I fear we have found what GI have taken away in the update. I hope I'm wrong but I'm fearing the worst!!

    If you are friends with sunnyind, there are lots of monsters roaming around that manor. I have not checked too many others so far.

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    Post  Caz Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:03 am

    rabrown wrote:
    Jacobsplace wrote:Anyone else got monsters roaming around their manor yet? I had a message from a friend who said she had loads but when I visited nothing was showing, and I mean nothing!! I fear we have found what GI have taken away in the update. I hope I'm wrong but I'm fearing the worst!!

    If you are friends with sunnyind, there are lots of monsters roaming around that manor. I have not checked too many others so far.

    No, can't see them. Do you have monsters at your manor? Just thinking that maybe until you have them you can't see anyone else's.

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    Post  rab Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:10 am

    I have not charged the van helsing collections yet so that could be a reason. I seem to recall other people have reported similar problems inconnection with earlier fullmoon events. You may want to contact GI and see whether they can help. ( I presume you have already updated and rebooted your iPad?)

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    Post  sunnyind Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:25 am

    i have almost all monsters on my manor page, enjoy banishing them

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