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    How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done.

    ek a

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    How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done. Empty How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done.

    Post  ek a Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:00 am

    I've finished the quest the delicate bouquet, and charged a golden flower already. However, i want to have some flowers in the collection more - Lilly, Gebera, Orchid.., but cannot find anywhere else even from a succubus.

    Apart from buying them, how can i do?

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    How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done. Empty Re: How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done.

    Post  slycreations Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:16 pm

    buying them is the only way I know of.
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done. Empty Re: How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done.

    Post  Dazza JP Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:51 am

    If you want to use this artifact, then I'd save your money and just use turtles, they are far better than the golden calla.

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    How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done. Empty Re: How can we find more flowers in the delicate bouquet collection if the quest's already done.

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