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3 posters

    list of collection items and where to find them


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    list of collection items and where to find them Empty list of collection items and where to find them

    Post  gracefd Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:29 pm

    Hi, is there a list of collection items and where to find them somewhere? it would be very helpful! I'm at level 38 and still feel like I don't know enough to get the most out of this game. thanks, gracefd (Jeannie)

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    list of collection items and where to find them Empty Re: list of collection items and where to find them

    Post  Admin Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:14 pm

    We don't have such a guide yet (anyone care to start one? Very Happy )

    Probably half of the collection items are not attainable from rooms. Some of them are seasonal quest items, some are normal quest items that once you complete the quest, you cannot attain from searching.

    The beginning few collection items are attainable from Mystery Gifts.

    If there are any items that you want, you should put them on your wish list. Friends will oblige and help you out.

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    list of collection items and where to find them Empty Re: list of collection items and where to find them

    Post  pianofingers Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:34 pm

    None for MM iPad, but there is an existing list for the Facebook version that might be of some help:

    Doug Miller's Item Location List.. A - L

    Doug Miller's Item Location List.. M - Z

    I've referred to it before, and the info seems almost the same (although of course the Facebook version is much more extensive!) and a few items may have different names.

    To quickly find what you need, just use the Find function (Ctrl-F) on your browser, and type what you're looking for. Smile

    Posts : 3
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    Join date : 2012-05-25

    list of collection items and where to find them Empty Re: list of collection items and where to find them

    Post  gracefd Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:28 pm

    thank you so much, very helpful!

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