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    Friends List "Visit" message


    Posts : 167
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    Friends List "Visit" message Empty Friends List "Visit" message

    Post  PegWalt Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:20 pm

    Is there a rhyme or reason as to when the "Visit" appears on your Friend List each day?

    Posts : 284
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    Friends List "Visit" message Empty Re: Friends List "Visit" message

    Post  engineer Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:51 pm

    PegWalt wrote:Is there a rhyme or reason as to when the "Visit" appears on your Friend List each day?
    I think it's 24 hours since you last first began visiting your friends. This game really does have a strange definition of "24 hours"...

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    Post  Admin Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:20 pm

    That is correct.

    Though, sometimes, the game does not really recognize that 24 hours have passed until you minimize the game, and go back into it.

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    Friends List "Visit" message Empty Re: Friends List "Visit" message

    Post  Waterkitsune Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:47 pm

    PegWalt wrote:Is there a rhyme or reason as to when the "Visit" appears on your Friend List each day?

    Basically, that's an indicator of the reset to collect the daily allowance of 50 experience, 100 coins, and 5 runestones (sometimes with batteries/alien containers) when you visit friends! They will go away once you visit the same amount of friends as your reputation level. Smile

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    Post  Mooscrat Mon May 21, 2012 8:07 pm

    note though, that the 24hrs starts from the 1 gift given. or from the first visit. you then have 24 hours to use up your maximum allowed gift/visits. which can be toyed with to your advantage/convenience

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