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    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall


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    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall Empty To let friends know what you can gift from your wall

    Post  Mbstr8k Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:52 am

    To let friends know you have unlocked higher level gift items,(like a/cs, diver's helmets, etc.) post a note on your on wall stating what you have. It will show up in yellow and stay at the top of your message wall even when others send you messages.

    You can also let your friends know that you are willing to trade.

    Note only one of your messages will be displayed at the top, so be succinct in what you write! Any carryover into a second message will scroll down the list with all other incoming messages.

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    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall Empty Re: To let friends know what you can gift from your wall

    Post  pianofingers Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:14 am

    There is a character limit when posting wall messages (around 2 lines worth), and the tendency is to always get cut off. In actuality, you can post 4 lines worth of text. To do this, go to your Notes app and type it there. Then copy it, and paste in on your Manor wall. Smile

    Posts : 969
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    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall Empty Re: To let friends know what you can gift from your wall

    Post  Admin Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:37 pm

    Great tips! Saving your wall notice in Notes is a great idea.

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    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall Empty Re: To let friends know what you can gift from your wall

    Post  Mbstr8k Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:06 pm

    pianofingers wrote:There is a character limit when posting wall messages (around 2 lines worth), and the tendency is to always get cut off. In actuality, you can post 4 lines worth of text. To do this, go to your Notes app and type it there. Then copy it, and paste in on your Manor wall. Smile

    That is a great tip. I was abbreviating everything ( möbius bow =mobo, yelbx= yellow Schroeder , etc). I got fed up with listing it all, so now I say anything level 35 and below is avail if requested and then list what I've opened, like lead collars.

    I'm going to try the notes though. I assume I can use that to leave friends messages, too? Some of my friends and I chat up to 4-5 "balloons" to talk about what we see going on. :-)


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    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall Empty Wall note format

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:25 am

    Admin wrote:Great tips! Saving your wall notice in Notes is a great idea.

    I just saw Admin's wall post format and love it! It gets all the information needed in there....I'm copying the format myself.

    I'm sure Admin wouldn't mind sharing since it is on the public forum. :-)

    CAN GIFT: (list opened gifts) FAN PLEASE wake helpers, leave tips NEED: Wish list items:-)

    So simple, but it covers it all. I especially like the mmuff pitch. I've had to repeat notes, telling my friends about the forum. This makes it so much easier.

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    MM Name : rainkid

    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall Empty Re: To let friends know what you can gift from your wall

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:56 pm

    Haha. I like to be brief and to the point (sometimes). Very Happy

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    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall Empty Message to Friends

    Post  Mogul Tue May 15, 2012 2:18 pm

    Is it possible to send one wall message to all friends at one time instead of having to re-type the information for all friends?

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    To let friends know what you can gift from your wall Empty Re: To let friends know what you can gift from your wall

    Post  engineer Tue May 15, 2012 3:13 pm

    carfar wrote:Is it possible to send one wall message to all friends at one time instead of having to re-type the information for all friends?
    All I've figured out is just copy->paste on each friend's wall. Or, you can post the message on your own wall for your friends to see.

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