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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

3 posters

    To Request a Gift on your Friend's Wall: 


    Posts : 34
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    Join date : 2012-03-04
    Location : Ohio, USA
    Friend Code : Ask

    To Request a Gift on your Friend's Wall:  Empty To Request a Gift on your Friend's Wall: 

    Post  Flamingo Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:51 pm

    Go to: Collections. Click an item under the 'Charge' icon (not a collection item)   
    On next window, click 'Ask a Friend' and Select your Friend to send the request to. 
    1) You can only ask for what you do not have 'enough' of to "Charge" that Collection. "Enough" will display if you do not need it. 
    2) Only 'Charge' items can be requested, not 'Collection' items. 
    3) When you or your friends except a gift and give 'Thanks', a "Mystery Gift" is sent in return.  
    Thus, you can get 2 gifts from one friend! 
    4) This gifted item does NOT come out of your inventory. It is Free to give! 
    5) Many friends only go by these wall requests to give gifts since it is so easy.
    Plus, these are the items your friends need and want! 

    Posts : 5
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    Join date : 2012-03-13

    To Request a Gift on your Friend's Wall:  Empty Re: To Request a Gift on your Friend's Wall: 

    Post  Jenn357 Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:42 pm

    How can I send a gift request to my friends wall if the item is showing that I have "enough"? I have received several gift requests on my wall where the person already has tons of that item. I have also seen items requested that I have been unable to find where or how to request them myself. Can anyone please help me with this? Thank you!

    Posts : 186
    Points : 4919
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2012-03-04
    Friend Code : Ask me
    MM Name : Trekker

    To Request a Gift on your Friend's Wall:  Empty Re: To Request a Gift on your Friend's Wall: 

    Post  Trekker Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:22 pm

    Jenn357 wrote:How can I send a gift request to my friends wall if the item is showing that I have "enough"? I have received several gift requests on my wall where the person already has tons of that item. I have also seen items requested that I have been unable to find where or how to request them myself. Can anyone please help me with this? Thank you!

    Find a collection that requires more than what you have of the charging item, even if you don't have anything started in that collection yet. Or look in the artifact section, those usually require lots of each charging item.

    If someone requests a charging item from you, tap on "Gift" anyway. Chances are your level is high enough to where you can gift the item to them, even though you can't see it in your gift list. If your level isn't high enough, the game will let you know that you can't send the gift.

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