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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend


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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  LaVentosa Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:50 am

    I'm not sure if I have read something like this here before - I didn't find it when I searched now:

    I accepted a friendship yesterday and can now visit that friends, but am unable to either wake, tip or write on his wall. I realized that the his name on my friendslist is different from the one when I visit his manor!
    I'm also unable to change between friends when I'm there because the arrows to the next friend are missing. It's as if he had "unfriended" me, but he's still in my friendslist.

    I've had the same issue last week with another friend, but he got "normal" after a day...

    Anyone had that happen as well? confused

    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty Re: unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  Guest Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:56 am

    LaVentosa wrote:Anyone had that happen as well? confused

    It's happened to me once or twice but I just leave the room and then try again in a few minutes and it is resolved!

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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty Re: unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  LaVentosa Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:31 am

    I've had it happen to another one yesterday - turned to normal later. the first is still the same. I'm keeping him for solely scientific reasons for the moment Wink)

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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty Re: unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  Tasch Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:13 am

    For me it does not resolve itself, so far and i updated to 1.10. Had this before and after?

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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty Re: unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  LaVentosa Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:55 am

    Tasch wrote:For me it does not resolve itself, so far and i updated to 1.10. Had this before and after?
    Same for me. After the update I still have the one friend (and it is an active one), I can visit, normally through wall or friendlist, but once there I can't tip help or gift - as if it were a pending friend. strange thing is that the name in the manor is different to the on the friendlist and wall.

    Last edited by LaVentosa on Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty Re: unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  Amelia Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:24 am

    I have had a couple of friends like that. Fortunately they were not active friends so I deleted them. I waited quite a while too just to see if anything would change but no such luck.

    Neither of them had name issues though. The name was the same on all icons on my lists, going to their manor, and on their manor. Strange!

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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty Re: unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  Warmgun88 Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:44 am

    Anyone have any ideas on this one? My window to enter the friend code has been blank for days now..... Evil or Very Mad

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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty Re: unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  xmilokittyx Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:40 pm

    I have experienced this in the past with a couple of other friends. They turned out to be inactive, so like you, I deleted them. However, I recently added two new friends. They left me tips and gifts, and one posted a nice message on my wall -- but when I visit them, I cannot tip, gift, or wake sleepers. The R and L arrows are also gone. I have never had any instances where it resolved itself.

    I'd love to reciprocate the love to my friends! flower

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    unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend Empty Re: unable to help/gift write to wall of (renamed) friend

    Post  tatteredlace Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:42 am

    LaVentosa wrote:
    Tasch wrote:For me it does not resolve itself, so far and i updated to 1.10. Had this before and after?
    Same for me. After the update I still have the one friend (and it is an active one), I can visit, normally through wall or friendlist, but once there I can't tip help or gift - as if it were a pending friend. strange thing is that the name in the manor is different to the on the friendlist and wall.

    I have been having the same issue with one friend since about July, when they changed their username.
    They post requests on my wall, and if I click the visit button, it takes me to their manor but still shows their old name, and there are no neighbours to the left or right. I'm not actually sure if I can tip or leave a message - need to check that.
    I can, however, gift them from my own manor (going to gift box -> send gift -> choosing their name on my list) and they send wall requests which I can fulfill too.
    I won't delete them, as we gift each other random chargers nearly every day! But it is a bit annoying that when I am going through my list visiting everyone, it gets to them and then there are no left/right arrows to visit anyone else.

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