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    choose the Quests we Want?


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    choose the Quests we Want? Empty choose the Quests we Want?

    Post  Poppy Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:08 pm

    Does anyone know if we can choose the quests we want? Like be able to opt out of the ones we don't want??

    The left side of my screen is so cluttered with quests, some of which I have no intention of ever trying, like Heal the General, which involves using diamonds. Nor can I keep track of them all.
    I sure wish we could do this, have options. I'm a fairly new player, level 46, thought some of you old timers may know about this.

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    choose the Quests we Want? Empty Re: choose the Quests we Want?

    Post  llisamisa Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:16 am

    ronda.meyers.16 wrote:Does anyone know if we can choose the quests we want? Like be able to opt out of the ones we don't want??

    The left side of my screen is so cluttered with quests, some of which I have no intention of ever trying, like Heal the General, which involves using diamonds. Nor can I keep track of them all.
    I sure wish we could do this, have options. I'm a fairly new player, level 46, thought some of you old timers may know about this.

    I dont think so, most quests are daisy-chained together. Once you complete all of the quests in the string, the list will dwindle.

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    MM Name : Knitwit

    choose the Quests we Want? Empty Re: choose the Quests we Want?

    Post  Poppy Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:36 am

    Oh, the list may dwindle. That's some hope. Every time I complete a quest,a new one pops up, like dirty laundry. At what level does it stat to dwindle, do u remember? And thank you SO much for responding!

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    choose the Quests we Want? Empty Re: choose the Quests we Want?

    Post  Poppy Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:44 am

    Ms Iam,

    P.S. I invited u as a friend. I see you are friends with Pauline, and I am too. Please accept me, mm name knitwit. Thanks.

    Last edited by ronda.meyers.16 on Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited to correct spelling)

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    choose the Quests we Want? Empty Re: choose the Quests we Want?

    Post  chrismmuff Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:15 pm

    ronda.meyers.16 wrote:Oh, the list may dwindle. That's some hope. Every time I complete a quest,a new one pops up, like dirty laundry. At what level does it stat to dwindle, do u remember? And thank you SO much for responding!

    As an "old timer", my advice to you is to CHERISH having quests! The day will come that they go away and you will get bored and pray for new quests. I'm at the point I go on breaks in between quests as there is really no other reason to play. Level 318 in case you are wondering.

    Posts : 311
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    MM Name : Knitwit

    choose the Quests we Want? Empty Re: choose the Quests we Want?

    Post  Poppy Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:38 am

    I will cherish the quests. Great point u make there. Level 314, holy cow. Bet u don't tell that to your outside friends. It is a pretty addicting game. How come your name is MMUFF, did you start this group?

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