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    Phenomenon In Rooms


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    Phenomenon In Rooms Empty Phenomenon In Rooms

    Post  sjblencoe Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:22 am

    When you get a quest which requires you to banish a particular Phenomenon from a room, it is frustrating just having to wait until it appears.
    Do they just appear completely at random or is there a way of increasing your chances, ie continually searching the room or it's neighbouring room ?
    I have yet to work out any sort of pattern.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

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    Phenomenon In Rooms Empty Re: Phenomenon In Rooms

    Post  katrina.criglington Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:54 am

    I'm trying to get a phenom in two different rooms at the moment. I read on the forum for the Fb version that if you get as many rooms as possible to the witches curse & leave the rooms you want on sihouette or something then the phenom has no option but go to the room you want it in. How to get the correct phenom in the correct room i don't know. Anyway i am trying this approah but it hasn't worked yet, but i've only been trying for the last 3 days.

    Phenomenon In Rooms Empty Re: Phenomenon In Rooms

    Post  Guest Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:10 am

    I feel your pain. I have the Neptune quest and the fortune telling room is dead silent....but I do know that excluding the UFO phenom, you can search a room with any phenomenon in it and complete the quest, it doesn't have to be a specific phenom.

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    Phenomenon In Rooms Empty Re: Phenomenon In Rooms

    Post  Admin Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:19 pm

    I might have a theory on this:

    Perhaps phenomenon are preset to a certain set of rooms. That is - maybe you have to complete Room A to get a phenomenon in Room B, where A and B are not random, but preset.

    The reason I think this is because for the past two weeks or so, I've been searching almost solely the African Room and Hunting Room. No phenomenons at all except one or two UFOs.

    Then, yesterday, I decided to clear out all the helpers' tips by doing all the rooms until all the tips are used up. I ended up with FOUR phenomenon, almost one right after another.

    Sadly, none of them appeared in the Fortune Teller's Room or Bathroom for me to complete the Neptune quest.

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    Phenomenon In Rooms Empty Re: Phenomenon In Rooms

    Post  engineer Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:56 pm

    Admin wrote:I might have a theory on this:

    Perhaps phenomenon are preset to a certain set of rooms. That is - maybe you have to complete Room A to get a phenomenon in Room B, where A and B are not random, but preset.

    The reason I think this is because for the past two weeks or so, I've been searching almost solely the African Room and Hunting Room. No phenomenons at all except one or two UFOs.

    Then, yesterday, I decided to clear out all the helpers' tips by doing all the rooms until all the tips are used up. I ended up with FOUR phenomenon, almost one right after another.

    Sadly, none of them appeared in the Fortune Teller's Room or Bathroom for me to complete the Neptune quest.

    I have the same feeling on this. I've been searching the Hallway over and over again trying to find an item, and no phenomenon. It could be either "Searching Room A triggers Room B", or that the next phenomenon is waiting to appear as soon as you search "the trigger room". I have a feeling that it could be the latter just because there's an idea of "the next phenomenon", not just "a phenomenon". If it was preset for a phenomenon to appear in Room B after you search Room A five times, you'd think you'd see something even though you're only looking in the one room. Does that make any sense at all? haha.

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    Phenomenon In Rooms Empty Re: Phenomenon In Rooms

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:33 pm

    I just did all the rooms again yesterday, and got two mist phenomenons (neither in the room I need).

    Just more information to digest!

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    Phenomenon In Rooms Empty Re: Phenomenon In Rooms

    Post  RedMouse12 Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:25 am

    SO I have checked out a bunch of different friends that I remember had phenomenons in their rooms to see if there was a pattern of some sort with the um... whats the word for it... confused status? u know like all night or silhouette, have different PH (phenomenons - because i hate typing it out). They all had different things. Some rooms were all different. Others were all the same. One friend even had ALL nights in her rooms and no PHs. :/

    Right now, i have 6/15 rooms night, 3 silhouettes and 2 evil eye curses and none of my rooms tipped. All I have is the UFO in my Garden.

    Trying to figure out this secret is making me lose hair!! Exclamation

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    Phenomenon In Rooms Empty Re: Phenomenon In Rooms

    Post  RedMouse12 Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:33 am

    I tried all the rooms to dark = nothing!

    I noticed though that every time I did the living room then another room and then living room again, I got a PH. HOWEVER, it didnt work EVERY time. I would say 3/4 of the time it worked. I started playing around on my husbands game since hes still a lower level and see if I can see any trends. But nothing so far! :/

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