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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

2 posters

    Phenomenon Question


    Posts : 25
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    Join date : 2012-07-01
    Location : Canada
    MM Name : Canadian Deb

    Phenomenon Question  Empty Phenomenon Question

    Post  DebbyM Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:07 pm

    Did I read somewhere that if you exit out of the game after exploring a room with a phenomenon, that you can't always see if the item you are trying to get has actually dropped? I've explored multiple times and can see a bunch of items but is it possible one is hidden? Not wording this really well... Hope you understand what I mean.


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    Phenomenon Question  Empty Re: Phenomenon Question

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:03 pm

    DebbyM wrote:Did I read somewhere that if you exit out of the game after exploring a room with a phenomenon, that you can't always see if the item you are trying to get has actually dropped? I've explored multiple times and can see a bunch of items but is it possible one is hidden? Not wording this really well... Hope you understand what I mean.



    If you exit the game without tapping Close you will only get what it says dropped in the room. If you tap Close only then will you get the other items IF they were meant to drop. A good example is the New Mercury quest. It will not drop and show up in the items found list after exploring the room. You have to tap Close to see if it drops. It may or may not. However, if you do not tap Close and exit out of the game with the "items found" still open, it will definitely not drop. At least this is what has been found by all who have posted on here.

    I hope that makes sense. Very Happy

    What are you trying to find?

    Posts : 25
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    Join date : 2012-07-01
    Location : Canada
    MM Name : Canadian Deb

    Phenomenon Question  Empty Re: Phenomenon Question

    Post  DebbyM Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:56 pm

    I was trying to find the ferry but someone was kind enough to gift it to me. Now I'm on the Clipper and kept exiting the game if it didn't drop in silhouette mode. I've used up all my cannonballs but it sounds like I wasted them because it wasn't ever going to drop if I didn't click Close?

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