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    Summoning Phenomenon


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    MM Name : Nerazzurri

    Summoning Phenomenon Empty Summoning Phenomenon

    Post  Nerazzurri Wed May 29, 2013 8:53 am

    Does anyone know where I go to get the Summon Phenomenon options? Some times when I have a quest that requires a phenomenon in a certain room the quest window has a button that offers me the option of purchasing something that will summon THAT specific phenomenon. How do I get to THAT window? None of my quests have the "Phenomenon" option to click on, but I'm on the Dangerous Questions quest and I'm tired of waiting for the Will O Wisp. I want to summon it and be on my way.


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    Summoning Phenomenon Empty Re: Summoning Phenomenon

    Post  Skyler Wed May 29, 2013 9:17 am

    Nerazzurri wrote:Does anyone know where I go to get the Summon Phenomenon options? Some times when I have a quest that requires a phenomenon in a certain room the quest window has a button that offers me the option of purchasing something that will summon THAT specific phenomenon. How do I get to THAT window? None of my quests have the "Phenomenon" option to click on, but I'm on the Dangerous Questions quest and I'm tired of waiting for the Will O Wisp. I want to summon it and be on my way.


    You can go to the Shops tab and then pick the last tab, looks like a bag with a red rope tied around it. There you can buy what you need to call any phenom. Keep in mind the phenom will appear in a random room not necessarily the room you want it in. They have single and multiples of 10 you can purchase. You can also finish and charge collection 190 and get 3 of each of the Native Idol, Will-o-Wisp and Mist Summoners.

    Best way to get phenom to the room you want is to not get rid of other phenoms as they show up, unless you really need too. Then have zodiac mode in the other rooms leaving only the room you want the phenom to show up in. This works everytime for me.


    Posts : 4
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    Location : Toronto
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    MM Name : Nerazzurri

    Summoning Phenomenon Empty Re: Summoning Phenomenon

    Post  Nerazzurri Wed May 29, 2013 10:00 am

    The Shop!!! Duh! I'm so lazy.

    Thanks Sky.
    Mrs X
    Mrs X

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    Summoning Phenomenon Empty Re: Summoning Phenomenon

    Post  Mrs X Wed May 29, 2013 1:07 pm

    If you want to be absolutely sure of getting the phenom in the right room have a curse or a phenom in all 10 rooms, clear the one in which you need a particular phenom then use the summoner, it will only have one room to go to....the one you need. Since zodiac is a mode, a phenom can take it's place. For this reason I usually try to get one in the fortune telling room, leaving only 2 possible zodiacs for the other rooms, which as I stated can be replaced by a phenom. You just have to keep searching the other rooms or the yard to replace the zodiacs. Laughing

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