Can anyone tell me where to find the items in the basement for the Pentathlon Collection? Noticed the chargers in the gift section which says "to charge sports collections" but can't see the items available to find in the Gym (which seems to be the logical place to start looking!). Do I need to be at a higher level for the basement for the items to be collected?
2 posters
Pentathlon Collection (Basement)
weekem- Posts : 3
Points : 3649
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-09-19
- Post n°1
Pentathlon Collection (Basement)
Skyler- Posts : 116
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Join date : 2012-05-02
Age : 55
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- Post n°2
Re: Pentathlon Collection (Basement)
weekem wrote:Can anyone tell me where to find the items in the basement for the Pentathlon Collection? Noticed the chargers in the gift section which says "to charge sports collections" but can't see the items available to find in the Gym (which seems to be the logical place to start looking!). Do I need to be at a higher level for the basement for the items to be collected?
Yes, they are in the Gym or can be requested from friends. You will need to be up to Expert level to have access to all the emblems.
weekem- Posts : 3
Points : 3649
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-09-19
- Post n°3
Re: Pentathlon Collection (Basement)
I'm at the expert level for gym, but items still not dropping. I'm at level 21 in the basement, so perhaps that's the problem?