Anyways, this bug will allow you to gain 1 energy for every 1 second. Prefect for tutle runs, and gaining levels (:
1) collect charms: you need golden Phoenix, silver sun ( can use other energy charm but silver sun is best in my opinion) and any coin/ xp charm lasting 30 mins.
2) activate your 30 min charm
2.5) shortly before the 30 min charm ends, activate the silver sun
3) wait 30 mins for charm to expire and have the pop up come asking you to run another charm
4) click on use for golden Phoenix and it will allow you to run it with silver sun
Congrats and goodluck!
**credits to pianofingers for adding step 2.5 - thanks for the extra 29 mins of energy (;
Last edited by Brad5868 on Thu May 17, 2012 9:28 am; edited 2 times in total