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mlle. scarlett
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    Practically Infinite Energy


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    Practically Infinite Energy - Page 3 Empty Re: Practically Infinite Energy

    Post  Dhisa Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:19 am

    Shells iPad 3 wrote:
    mlle. scarlett wrote:My favorite way to do a quick energy boost is to use my existing energy all up. Then charge the golden rose artifact and add a copper phoenix charm. This will give you one energy per second for half an hour. Then you can take a break because you may need it. Since the golden rose lasts for 24 hours, you can add a copper phoenix as many times as you wish during that 24 hours. each time ypu do, you will get that one energy per second. Ypu can also use turtles, elephants or whatever you choose at the same time.

    Is this still working please? I have both these charms running but I'm not getting 1 energy per second, it's about 1 energy per 30 seconds... Am I doing something wrong?

    I'm not sure how to post a screenshot on here either.....

    Thanks.... Shell

    I am doing fine. With golden rose it is supposed to be every 36 secs, and add golden phoenix you will get 1 per second. But i am already exhausted last 1,5 hours. This is the first to me. To open every room before energy max out :-) until run out of stock of batterries, coral, etc. :-(

    Just to make sure use again golden phoenix. Good luck.
    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    Practically Infinite Energy - Page 3 Empty Re: Practically Infinite Energy

    Post  mlle. scarlett Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:26 pm

    Dhisa, instead of golden phoenix, I use copper phoenix because it lasts only 30 minutes. So, you get a breather and you can add another one whenever you choose. Also because you can buy them with all those coins you have!

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    Practically Infinite Energy - Page 3 Empty Re: Practically Infinite Energy

    Post  Dhisa Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:38 pm

    mlle. scarlett wrote:Dhisa, instead of golden phoenix, I use copper phoenix because it lasts only 30 minutes. So, you get a breather and you can add another one whenever you choose. Also because you can buy them with all those coins you have!

    Yes, correct. After exhausting 1,5 hours, I had a long break then I try copper phoenix and copper clover. It works Very Happy

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    Practically Infinite Energy - Page 3 Empty Re: Practically Infinite Energy

    Post  Vovan23mvp Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:00 pm

    Silver sun + Phoenix doesn't work anymore.
    Ss + Artif. #3 gives 4 h. of inf. energy
    I don't try another versions yet.

    Now I use 24h inf energy artifact #4 + golden phoenix

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