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    Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work?

    HOJO 1645
    HOJO 1645

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    Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work? Empty Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work?

    Post  HOJO 1645 Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:14 pm

    So I am wondering what dictates how fast the skill level for a room increases... I have noticed there is not a constant increase in skill percentage after I explore a room. I have tried using a helper to increase experiance, I got more experience points but I actually went up less percentage than the time before. Anyone know?? Maybe different modes gives u more (ex:night mode), or how fast you get through it or how many wrong clicks??

    Hope not how accurate I am, bc a lot of times i go in a room I just click everything normally on the list that I see, then I look to see what I have left to find lol

    Thanks! Laughing

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    Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work? Empty Re: Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work?

    Post  mariahorn Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:41 pm

    What I have noticed consistently is you get a certain percent depending on what skill level you're at. I may have the wrong name for these or be out of order, but it is:

    Beginner-5% each time
    Novice-4% each
    Professional-3% each
    Advanced-2% each
    Expert-1% each

    I may be a little off like I said, but basically you get the same amount of increase every time you explore while at a certain level, then once you move on to the next level of mastery it decreases by 1%
    HOJO 1645
    HOJO 1645

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    Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work? Empty Re: Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work?

    Post  HOJO 1645 Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:08 pm

    WOW.. I thought it was MUCH more than that.. like 11 or 12% for beginning stages... so basically it is a fixed amount based on the level of that room... good to know.. sometimes I try to go SUPER fast thinking I will get more skill points for it! lol

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    Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work? Empty Re: Skill level increase for rooms... How does it work?

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