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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.


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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  DebbyM Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:43 am

    Grizzwold wrote:
    DebbyM wrote:How do you bring out phenomena?

    Read this thread for details on how to bring out phenomena

    Thanks Grizzwold!

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  AllisonPJ Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:31 pm

    Does anyone know where you get the axes? I used up all of mine with the first zombie quest (banishing 10), and still need items from the Walking Dead collection, which seem to only be available by banishing zombies. I can find them in friends' manors, but hate spending coins to banish them.

    Also, I now see that I'm going to need even MORE axes later on, once I get through the skeletons. Argh! I might be able to finish the Walking Dead part of this full moon quest, but I have yet to get any of the Van Helsing items (nor do I have anywhere near the bazillion flaming heads needed to charge them), so I doubt I stand a chance at completing that one.

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  lilymwang Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:59 am

    Thanks for the tip, pianofingers, about banishing weakened monsters in friends manors ... that has been VERY helpful, particularly as this monster event is winding down... I've been able to find weakened phantom knights and vicious zombies in other friends' manors (with strengths of only 1 out of 10) Very Happy

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  pianofingers Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:44 am

    You're welcome lily! I got the tip from this forum too - credit goes to kelly.

    By the time I had learned about banishing pre-weakened monsters, I was already on my final 3 monsters (whose weapons cost diamonds), and so you can imagine how much coinage I spent banishing the previous monsters!

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  hippolyra Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:55 am

    One of my friends has nearly all the monsters on 1/10

    Just completed 3 quests in as many minutes


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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Rik Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:08 am

    I'm also always banishing weakened monsters in another manor and if I can, I try to leave one of my own monsters weakened before I leave.


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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Torynn Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:51 pm

    Kelbelle123 wrote:I am stuck on the swamp creatures. I have not had the flare pistols drop in any room. Has anyone banished them without using diamonds?

    Yeah, I'm so going to fail on this event. First I got sidetracked doing the fourth of July stuff, now most of my friends have not updated and I was hoping to make progress over the weekend.

    I also cannot find flare guns for the swamp creatures. I've depleted my energy searching rooms at every possible opportunity and I've only managed to get four. Did u guys break down and banish them with diamonds?

    I am limited as to the rooms I can search as all but two of my rooms r cursed as I'm trying to get the mist phenom got for two quests. So I play the rooms where u have to pay seeds and runes etc. do you think this affects my drop rate?

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  karen_ni Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:53 pm

    For anyone who has banished all of the monsters and zombies, what is the last one that needs to be banished? I am on the Dark Adept and Priestess of Chaos and I was wondering if there are any more after this because I am scared I am going to run out of time and I've come too far to give up!

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  karen_ni Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:28 pm

    karen_ni wrote:For anyone who has banished all of the monsters and zombies, what is the last one that needs to be banished? I am on the Dark Adept and Priestess of Chaos and I was wondering if there are any more after this because I am scared I am going to run out of time and I've come too far to give up!

    Never mind! I ended up using some diamonds and finally finished banishing and found that indeed it was the last quest for me. I am so glad to be done!

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Mogul Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:59 am

    I don't seem to have any more event quests. I finished the one that required 10 gargoyles and nothing else has appeared. Does anyone know if it I am ok to use up my items to banish everything? I don't want to get stuck with a lot of items that can't be used. Uncle sly and sly snatchin have disappeared and I still have lots o pilgrim hats.


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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  hippolyra Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:40 pm

    carfar wrote:I don't seem to have any more event quests. I finished the one that required 10 gargoyles and nothing else has appeared. Does anyone know if it I am ok to use up my items to banish everything? I don't want to get stuck with a lot of items that can't be used. Uncle sly and sly snatchin have disappeared and I still have lots o pilgrim hats.


    I have 60 pilgrim hats. Hoping i can use them next year. Surprised

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  DebbyM Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:01 pm

    Just wondering... is everyone using up their Full Moon weapons now or saving them for the next event?

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty End of full moon event

    Post  Mbstr8k Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:28 am

    So, my full moon event ended.

    1. No more quests...the only one I had, priestess and dark adept disappeared...I had 4 more charms to find
    2. Running a turtle and monster but no more full moon weapons drop at all.
    3. Full moon monsters disappeared from my manor and the few friend's manors I checked
    4. Gift wall still has charging gifts for the monster collections, but it has not changed in a few days.

    Rumor(?) has it another full moon event will happen at next full moon.

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  paulinelhg Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:05 pm

    They warn that people who gift diploma Cannot complete the event.

    how to know if this is for real?

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty gifting diploma

    Post  Savannah123 Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:16 pm

    I think all they are saying is that if you get the diplomas as a gift you still have to complete all the other levels to finish the quest. Just charging the three diploma quest will not auto complete the other quest that lead up to it.

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Trekker Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:45 pm

    I don't seem to be able to put the flaming skull in my wish list anymore. Has anyone else come across this, too?

    Nuts, if I can't put it on my wish list I'll just have to keep sending wall requests. I need a lot of them to charge these collections.

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Mbstr8k Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:00 pm

    I got all of my diplomas as gifts....did not complete any of the charging events and still got the charm reward. Very Happy

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  ützel Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:27 pm

    I knew thst the diplomas' quests on the right hand side would vanish today. But to my surprise, also the quests on the leftbhand side are gone. So i am sitting in an empty manour with no quests again. Is that just me or have your quests vanished as well?

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  LaVentosa Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:04 pm

    ützel wrote:I knew thst the diplomas' quests on the right hand side would vanish today. But to my surprise, also the quests on the leftbhand side are gone. So i am sitting in an empty manour with no quests again. Is that just me or have your quests vanished as well?
    same here - last two quests (Priestess &Adept banishing + Diamond VanHelsing) dissapeared together with the event buttons on the right side, all the monsters dissapeared later when I came back from a friend visit.
    the empty quest is a first for me though, I finished the pirate ship and Ufo quests during the last 2 weeks as well...
    strange.... will clean house the next days....

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Camille Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:15 pm

    Trekker wrote:I don't seem to be able to put the flaming skull in my wish list anymore. Has anyone else come across this, too?

    Nuts, if I can't put it on my wish list I'll just have to keep sending wall requests. I need a lot of them to charge these collections.
    Yup, my flaming skulls won't stay on my wish list either. How tedious, I thought I had finished sending out, what seemed like thousands, requests for those things.

    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Guest Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:36 pm

    I still have various monsters in my manor for the next three hours!

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  tatteredlace Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:24 am

    This event just started again! I got the quests back and the rooms are dropping weapons and skulls again Very Happy
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Dazza JP Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:44 am

    tatteredlace wrote:This event just started again! I got the quests back and the rooms are dropping weapons and skulls again Very Happy

    I have the icons on the right hand side back for the ones I hadn't completed before. I had finished all the quests, so not surprised that I don't have any of those for the full moon ones.

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Re: The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago.

    Post  Shadowcat Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:14 am

    All I seem to get is one event on the right telling me that full moon event is going on, but no quests on left.

    I finished all the way through diamond van Helsingborg last month, so I was hoping that the something would start up again. I've only explored one room so far, which dropping a pumpkin weapon for me, and caused the one event to appear. But nothing else.

    Anyone else finished it all last month and finding anything different?

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    The new quests and Zombies that started about 30 minutes ago. - Page 3 Empty Banishing zombies with new full moon

    Post  sunnyind Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:16 am

    Hi Friends, let us banish zombies on our manor when the counter reaches upto 1 and leave for friends to come on our manor and banish them, so this way we can all complete quest in just few charms then spending diamonds or spending hours on collecting charms. I will bring sly Homuncululs to 1/10. If anyone bring the same zombie to 1/10, we can mutually complete the quest.

    Happy hunting.

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