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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

2 posters

    Requesting gifts from friends


    Posts : 28
    Points : 4549
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2012-07-08
    Location : Florida
    Friend Code : 88e7dd
    MM Name : AllisonPJ

    Requesting gifts from friends Empty Requesting gifts from friends

    Post  AllisonPJ Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:58 pm

    Hello everyone! I'm new here, but have been plugging away at MM since December. I play daily, but progress slowly because I don't like to spend real money on virtual games. Anyway, I've made it up to level 45, and am determined to finish the July 4 event before time runs out. In the past, I've never been able to complete a timed event.

    Getting to my point: I read somewhere that there was a way to request gifts of your entire friends list at once. Is this really possible, or is it a Facebook version thing? (I'm using the iPad version.) It would be really handy when requesting flaming skulls and items for the July 4th collections.

    I'm so glad I found this forum today. In the past, my Google searches for MM help haven't turned up anything too useful (or specific to the Facebook game, which I suspect is a little different than the iPad), so I'm thrilled to finally have a place that's active and has good information! Looking forward to playing with some of you. Smile

    Oh, one other question. If any of you friend me, can you tell me what my profession is? I suspect I'm a banker, but I'm not sure. I accidentally woke up a helper in a friend's room and it appears it didn't cost me anything. Is that something only bankers can do? I'm a little unclear on that still. Thanks!


    Posts : 84
    Points : 4692
    Reputation : 3
    Join date : 2012-04-19
    MM Name : Santa23

    Requesting gifts from friends Empty Re: Requesting gifts from friends

    Post  hawkeyegirl Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:05 pm

    Hi Allison! There is no way to request a gift from your entire friends list.

    You are a banker. (We we already friends. I'm santa23.). Sent you a gift to help on the 4th of July quest! Very Happy

    Posts : 28
    Points : 4549
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2012-07-08
    Location : Florida
    Friend Code : 88e7dd
    MM Name : AllisonPJ

    Requesting gifts from friends Empty Re: Requesting gifts from friends

    Post  AllisonPJ Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:09 pm

    Thank you for the quick answer. And the gift. Smile I was just about to visit you to see if I could repay the favor.

    Now that I knw I'm a banker, I'll be more careful about tipping rooms. I dIdn't wake helpers before because I thought it would cost me, so now I'll start doing that.

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