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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

2 posters

    Accepting Gifts and Thanking


    Posts : 167
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    Join date : 2012-03-14
    Age : 75
    Location : Pittsburgh, PA USA
    Friend Code : a4b306
    MM Name : PegWalt

    Accepting Gifts and Thanking Empty Accepting Gifts and Thanking

    Post  PegWalt Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:51 pm

    When you accept a Friend's Gift and Thank them, does the gift sent come from your Inventory and/ or Collections? Sometimes when I check my Inventory and Collections, things are missing that I know I had.

    Posts : 969
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    Join date : 2012-03-03
    Friend Code : B15B06
    MM Name : rainkid

    Accepting Gifts and Thanking Empty Re: Accepting Gifts and Thanking

    Post  Admin Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:04 pm

    PegWalt wrote:When you accept a Friend's Gift and Thank them, does the gift sent come from your Inventory and/ or Collections? Sometimes when I check my Inventory and Collections, things are missing that I know I had.

    When you thank a friend, they receive a Mystery Gift. The contents of the Mystery Gift is random, and does not come out of your inventory.

    Regarding missing items - I know I have on, a few occasions, accidentally sent items away, or used an item, or charged an item. A few times, I accidentally purchased items with diamonds too. Many of the actions do not have confirmation messages.

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