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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements


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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  Empty Photography Guru number 2 in achievements

    Post  Samc147 Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:45 am

    I did not think I would bother with this achievement until a friend pointed out to me what you get at the number 5 end rewards.

    So I set up a new Facebook page separate to my usual one.

    Then I screen shot my manor and posted it to my face book account with no friends on it as I did not want to drive people mad on my Facebook account with 100 pictures.

    After posting just 100 pictures. I got the golden chest which has 9 collection items in it a hearty dinner and the best of all the detective chest which gave me 500 pieces to enter each room. Which did included the Gravitons and the Golden bits for the brig. So it is worth doing this one. Like I say it took me about ten to fifteen minutes and I was done.


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    Post  Caz Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:00 am

    Samc147 wrote:I did not think I would bother with this achievement until a friend pointed out to me what you get at the number 5 end rewards.

    So I set up a new Facebook page separate to my usual one.

    Then I screen shot my manor and posted it to my face book account with no friends on it as I did not want to drive people mad on my Facebook account with 100 pictures.

    After posting just 100 pictures. I got the golden chest which has 9 collection items in it a hearty dinner and the best of all the detective chest which gave me 500 pieces to enter each room. Which did included the Gravitons and the Golden bits for the brig. So it is worth doing this one. Like I say it took me about ten to fifteen minutes and I was done.

    What a great idea, not to appear thick though, how do you post your screenshots to a different Facebook account?


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    Post  Samc147 Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:48 am

    Hi. Log out from your normal face book. Log in with your new face book. Then it will screen shot to that one. Also I know there is a setting on Facebook where you can select only post my pictures to my timeline. Then you can delete them. If you did not want to open a new face book just to do this achievement. And not put one hundred pictures on all your friends walls.

    It only takes a few minutes to create a new Facebook. You will need to create another email address first. Hope this helps you.

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    Post  Caz Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:21 am

    Yes it does, thanks very much!

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    Post  kk_mm Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:14 pm

    Samc147 wrote:I did not think I would bother with this achievement until a friend pointed out to me what you get at the number 5 end rewards.

    So I set up a new Facebook page separate to my usual one.

    Then I screen shot my manor and posted it to my face book account with no friends on it as I did not want to drive people mad on my Facebook account with 100 pictures.

    After posting just 100 pictures. I got the golden chest which has 9 collection items in it a hearty dinner and the best of all the detective chest which gave me 500 pieces to enter each room. Which did included the Gravitons and the Golden bits for the brig. So it is worth doing this one. Like I say it took me about ten to fifteen minutes and I was done.

    Sam what a brilliant idea! Thanks Very Happy

    Never thought I would bother with this one too! Have just posted my first mm picture on facebook and got my very point on it cheers


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    Post  Samc147 Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:39 pm

    Lol well done Kk. The tools achievement chest etc is very easy to get. Every time you play a room. put on a 10 second slower tool or any other tools you want to. I also got this chest today. Again 500 of each and other dinner and 9 more collection pieces. I had 900 slow timers and bucket loads of other tools and I never use them. So this was easy. This took about an hour.

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    Post  Samc147 Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:40 pm

    Samc147 wrote:Lol well done Kk. The tools achievement chest etc is very easy to get. Every time you play a room. put on a 10 second slower tool or any other tools you want to. I also got this chest today. Again 500 of each and other dinner and 9 more collection pieces. I had 900 slow timers and bucket loads of other tools and I never use them. So this was easy. This took about an hour.
    . I also just kept screen shotting my manor home page lol. So 100 pictures of the same thing lol.

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    Post  kk_mm Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:18 pm

    Samc147 wrote:
    Samc147 wrote:Lol well done Kk. The tools achievement chest etc is very easy to get. Every time you play a room. put on a 10 second slower tool or any other tools you want to. I also got this chest today. Again 500 of each and other dinner and 9 more collection pieces. I had 900 slow timers and bucket loads of other tools and I never use them. So this was easy. This took about an hour.
    . I also just kept screen shotting my manor home page lol. So 100 pictures of the same thing lol.

    Lol the photoshot is a good one to kill while watching the games! I'm on my way to post all 100 pictures onto the new account with no friends! If I posted these pictures on my Facebbok account, my friends and family may think I'm a nutter Shocked

    I'll certainly go for this tools achievement chest as well, thanks for the good tips cheers However, I don't think I can get this one as quick as the phoneshot, I'll have to search few hundred rooms to use the tools, mmmm...maybe use a few tools in one search scratch

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  Empty Photo screen shot

    Post  sunnyind Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:01 pm


    Thank you for the post but when I try to post screenshot, I get this error message "The operation couldn't be completed. (facebookErrDomain error 10000.)" I tried using other facebook account and still the same error. Is there anyway I can get this issue resolved or any of your other friend faced the same issue? Please let me know, if you know anything about it. In the meantime enjoy the London Olympics.

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    Post  DebbyM Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:19 pm

    Strange - I posted one photo to the new Facebook account and it worked fine. Now I'm getting "Error - the operation couldn't be completed (facebookErrDomain error 10000)". Anyone else run into this?

    ps - oops didn't see the post above me until I posted mine!
    pps - I play on an Ipad. Do you?

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    Post  sunnyind Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:55 pm

    Yes, I play on ipad also and I believe this forum is for ipad MM gamer only, unless I am wrong.

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    Post  ycul Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:56 pm

    [quote="Jacobsplace"][quote="Samc147"]I did not think I would bother with this achievement until a friend pointed out to me what you get at the number 5 end rewards.

    So I set up a new Facebook page separate to my usual one.

    Then I screen shot my manor and posted it to my face book account with no friends on it as I did not want to drive people mad on my Facebook account with 100 pictures.

    After posting just 100 pictures. I got the golden chest which has 9 collection items in it a hearty dinner and the best of all the detective chest which gave me 500 pieces to enter each room. Which did included the Gravitons and the Golden bits for the brig. So it is worth doing this one. Like I say it took me about ten to fifteen minutes and I was done.

    Sam did you post the same screen shot 100 times?

    Last edited by ycul on Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Sp.)

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    Post  Caz Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:29 am

    sunnyind wrote:Samc,

    Thank you for the post but when I try to post screenshot, I get this error message "The operation couldn't be completed. (facebookErrDomain error 10000.)" I tried using other facebook account and still the same error. Is there anyway I can get this issue resolved or any of your other friend faced the same issue? Please let me know, if you know anything about it. In the meantime enjoy the London Olympics.

    I've been getting this message all day. I googled it and it seems it be a Facebook problem, so hopefully it will sort itself out!

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    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:16 am

    I got the same error message after posting one picture today.

    I was hoping to set up the account and then take screen shots of every quest during the next Monster Event and then leave it there for others to see. I took screen shots from the last one, but didn't post them anywhere.

    I even tried to set up the account Mystery Manor (iPad)Quests for the name. Facebook insists that I use a real name.

    I hope they clear up the error soon!

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    Post  Samc147 Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:37 am

    Yes it seems to be a face book error. However make sure when you click the face book bit within Mm that you are connected to face book. and yes I screen shotted the same page 100 times. Maybe it mm people overloading face book servers with Mm pictures lol.

    The Olympics is just great. Smile

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    Post  kk_mm Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:08 am

    Samc147 wrote:Yes it seems to be a face book error. However make sure when you click the face book bit within Mm that you are connected to face book. and yes I screen shotted the same page 100 times. Maybe it mm people overloading face book servers with Mm pictures lol.

    The Olympics is just great. Smile

    LOL love the idea of overloading facebook's server with MM pictures! Above all 100s identical pictures from each of us! Twisted Evil

    I haven't encounter any problem apart from getting "time out error" a couple of times, I assume that was due to my internet connection issue.

    Mbstr8k, you may register facebook with your real name and change it later to an alternative name as you wish!

    Sorry for diverting the topic, the Olympics is owesome! I was expecting heavy traffic but no....the train was half full and the platform was almost wonderful to start a monday monrning like this Very Happy

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    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:23 am

    Is there a chance a FB page could be created for all of us to use? Or is every Facebook page linked to your original page? When I try to set up a new page, it says "Add to" with my personal page. Is there a way around that or is that normal? Do I need to somehow unlink my iPad from my personal page?

    Sam, could you create a step-by-step how-to ---- from creating the page to posting pix. -- to put on the Guides section of this site? I think it would be very helpful to the FB novice and others. :D

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    Post  DebbyM Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:56 pm

    For some strange reason, this worked perfectly for me today and I was able to finish the achievement. Thanks for the suggestion Smile

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    Post  Samc147 Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:58 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:Is there a chance a FB page could be created for all of us to use? Or is every Facebook page linked to your original page? When I try to set up a new page, it says "Add to" with my personal page. Is there a way around that or is that normal? Do I need to somehow unlink my iPad from my personal page?

    Sam, could you create a step-by-step how-to ---- from creating the page to posting pix. -- to put on the Guides section of this site? I think it would be very helpful to the FB novice and others. Very Happy

    Hi I have done the step by step guide that you requested I hope this helps. Happy snapping Smile

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    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:03 pm

    Samc147 wrote:
    Mbstr8k wrote:Is there a chance a FB page could be created for all of us to use? Or is every Facebook page linked to your original page? When I try to set up a new page, it says "Add to" with my personal page. Is there a way around that or is that normal? Do I need to somehow unlink my iPad from my personal page?

    Sam, could you create a step-by-step how-to ---- from creating the page to posting pix. -- to put on the Guides section of this site? I think it would be very helpful to the FB novice and others. Very Happy

    Hi I have done the step by step guide that you requested I hope this helps. Happy snapping Smile

    You are awesome! Just saw it. I am sure that it will help others. Very Happy

    I was able to continue with the page I was trying to create yesterday. MUCH EASIER to create the new FB acct. using the PC than via the iPad.

    I am hoping to add my screen shots of the previous Monster quests to it after I add and then delete the 100 images for the achievement. Very Happy Will be able to do it easily when the next monster event occurs. Better to use up FB storage than MMUFF's storage with all those screen shots!

    Thanks again!

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    Post  Samc147 Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:50 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Samc147 wrote:
    Mbstr8k wrote:Is there a chance a FB page could be created for all of us to use? Or is every Facebook page linked to your original page? When I try to set up a new page, it says "Add to" with my personal page. Is there a way around that or is that normal? Do I need to somehow unlink my iPad from my personal page?

    Sam, could you create a step-by-step how-to ---- from creating the page to posting pix. -- to put on the Guides section of this site? I think it would be very helpful to the FB novice and others. Very Happy

    Hi I have done the step by step guide that you requested I hope this helps. Happy snapping Smile

    You are awesome! Just saw it. I am sure that it will help others. Very Happy

    I was able to continue with the page I was trying to create yesterday. MUCH EASIER to create the new FB acct. using the PC than via the iPad.

    I am hoping to add my screen shots of the previous Monster quests to it after I add and then delete the 100 images for the achievement. Very Happy Will be able to do it easily when the next monster event occurs. Better to use up FB storage than MMUFF's storage with all those screen shots!

    Thanks again!

    You are welcome Smile

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  Empty Can't post pictures on facebook!

    Post  Mt72 Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:11 am

    Samc147 wrote:
    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Samc147 wrote:
    Mbstr8k wrote:Is there a chance a FB page could be created for all of us to use? Or is every Facebook page linked to your original page? When I try to set up a new page, it says "Add to" with my personal page. Is there a way around that or is that normal? Do I need to somehow unlink my iPad from my personal page?

    Sam, could you create a step-by-step how-to ---- from creating the page to posting pix. -- to put on the Guides section of this site? I think it would be very helpful to the FB novice and others. Very Happy

    Hi I have done the step by step guide that you requested I hope this helps. Happy snapping Smile

    You are awesome! Just saw it. I am sure that it will help others. Very Happy

    I was able to continue with the page I was trying to create yesterday. MUCH EASIER to create the new FB acct. using the PC than via the iPad.

    I am hoping to add my screen shots of the previous Monster quests to it after I add and then delete the 100 images for the achievement. Very Happy Will be able to do it easily when the next monster event occurs. Better to use up FB storage than MMUFF's storage with all those screen shots!

    Thanks again!

    You are welcome Smile

    Having some issues...
    I don't know how I did this but I deleted my app from my facebook page and now when i try to take a picture to post on facebook (from my ipad) it won't recognize it.
    How can i re-install it to my facebook? No, i did not delete the app itself. Just on facebook.

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    Post  Bettsy Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:30 am

    I have just logged into my account and gone into settings and tried to delete the link to MM but it still seems to be there when the MM app is open on the iPad. In theory the MM screenshots will go to any Facebook account that is actually logged in when you hit the picture button.  

    My suggestion would be to log out of Facebook then try the usual trick of shutting down the apps and then the iPad, hopefully on restart things will fall back into place.

    I will keep my fingers crossed :-)

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    Post  Mbstr8k Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:01 pm

    I ended up deleting my fake account. I could never log in from MM. It just kept spinning and spinning. Instead, I used my regular FB account. I sat by my PC logged into FB photo page with MM running on the iPad. As I saved a screen shot in MM, I was deleting the images on the PC.

    I let one or two save, before starting the process of delete one, while saving another. That way my photo page stayed open. A couple of times I got ahead with the deleting and the screen shots weren't showing up, so I got out of photos on my FB page and went right back in and thpix were there to delete again.

    The whole procedure of saving and deleting took about 30 minutes. Sam's procedure will probably work better for those who have not already linked their MM account to their FB page.

    We're you linked before Sam? Question

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    Post  Sakura Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:09 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:I ended up deleting my fake account. I could never log in from MM. It just kept spinning and spinning. Instead, I used my regular FB account. I sat by my PC logged into FB photo page with MM running on the iPad. As I saved a screen shot in MM, I was deleting the images on the PC.

    I let one or two save, before starting the process of delete one, while saving another. That way my photo page stayed open. A couple of times I got ahead with the deleting and the screen shots weren't showing up, so I got out of photos on my FB page and went right back in and thpix were there to delete again.

    The whole procedure of saving and deleting took about 30 minutes. Sam's procedure will probably work better for those who have not already linked their MM account to their FB page.

    We're you linked before Sam? Question
    It works find for me. Just create a new FB and do some screen shoot.

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