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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements


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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Re: Photography Guru number 2 in achievements

    Post  Samc147 Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:15 pm

    Sakura wrote:
    Mbstr8k wrote:I ended up deleting my fake account. I could never log in from MM. It just kept spinning and spinning. Instead, I used my regular FB account. I sat by my PC logged into FB photo page with MM running on the iPad. As I saved a screen shot in MM, I was deleting the images on the PC.

    I let one or two save, before starting the process of delete one, while saving another. That way my photo page stayed open. A couple of times I got ahead with the deleting and the screen shots weren't showing up, so I got out of photos on my FB page and went right back in and thpix were there to delete again.

    The whole procedure of saving and deleting took about 30 minutes. Sam's procedure will probably work better for those who have not already linked their MM account to their FB page.

    We're you linked before Sam? Question
    It works find for me. Just create a new FB and do some screen shoot.

    I was connected before and logged out and logged in with my new one.

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty I did it!!

    Post  welcome33 Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:29 pm

    Took me forever, but I got all 100 pics to my new Facebook account. I ended up with more pictures added to Facebook than were actually recorded by MM, and each picture took a really long time to upload, but now it's done! Yay!

    Btw, I was originally logged in on Facebook under my main account, but once I logged out of the Facebook app on my iPad and logged into my new account, MM went right to the correct one.

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Re: Photography Guru number 2 in achievements

    Post  Mbstr8k Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:33 pm


    I was connected before and logged out and logged in with my new one. [/quote]

    Interesting. I wonder why mine would never connect/log-in? I was logged out on my FB app even. When I went to take a screen shot, both accounts popped up, but when I selected my fake one, entered my email and pw, it just spun and spun and never connected. I tried closing all apps, closing iPad the works, but it just wouldn't log on.

    Oh, well, I am happy that I completed that achievement. I see that there are new ones (one requires yucky oil cans). I'm not updating until I get some more oil cans to drop. They've been coming regularly, so I'll save up today's catch before updating.

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Re: Photography Guru number 2 in achievements

    Post  Nynaeve Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:51 pm

    Did that today...never bothered with that achievement but already had alt fb so easy peasey Very Happy Thanks

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Re: Photography Guru number 2 in achievements

    Post  badlydrawn Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:09 pm

    Just wanted to say thanks to Samc for posting the guide, I completed this achievement in around 30 mins Very Happy

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Wow

    Post  Princesscjm Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:50 pm

    That's amazing. It's so simple yet so amazing. Deffo doing that tomoro

    Thank you
    And yes the Olympics is amazing

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Re: Photography Guru number 2 in achievements

    Post  Sakura Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:51 am

    I didn't post any pictures that I take and want to know is it ok if I delete them without posting it?

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Re: Photography Guru number 2 in achievements

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:05 pm

    Sakura wrote:I didn't post any pictures that I take and want to know is it ok if I delete them without posting it?

    Taking screen shots without saving to FB won't give you the credit you need. You need to save them to a FB page to get the counter to work in the achievement. The good news is you can delete them from your FB page as you are posting them! Just do the saving on the iPad and have your FB page open on your PC at the same time and delete as soon as the pix pops up there.

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Re: Photography Guru number 2 in achievements

    Post  Brooke17724 Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:53 pm

    I've been trying to post my screenshots but they just will not count towards that achievement. Any helpful tips would be appreciated.

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Just wondering..

    Post  Mfar Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:40 pm

    I was looking at my account settings and saw the ability to make anything posted through fb with MM viewable by only me. Wondering if that would work in case I am not able to delete the photos immediately. Can't have anyone suspect what a total nut ball I am where this game is concerned!!!! Shocked But I really need the keys for room searching!!! So far I'm getting an error message when I try to do it and I'm wondering if it's bc of my settings or if others were having the same issue.

    Misty :-)

    Last edited by Mfar on Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to add)

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    Photography Guru number 2 in achievements  - Page 2 Empty Photos

    Post  JoeCroydon Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:37 am

    I did this was cool to turn Facebook to only let me see photos posted from MM...I just hit the camera button. When I was visiting a friend or charging collections. In about 2hours I went from 25 pics to 100 got to level 5....sweet. Thanks for the tip geek

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