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    Update and new room

    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  Dazza JP Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:57 am

    Is it just me, or are the island quests not dropping easily in the rooms ??
    I had to search one room 21 times to get the piece to drop :-(

    Really not enjoying them lol

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  Jae Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:20 am

    loring wrote:You should stick up on everything!!!

    You will be back to trading when you update, stock up on artefacts, items to get into rooms, chargers and anything else you can manage!!

    I'm not sure I would update if I were you,


    I've heard from several friends who've updated that they're sorry they had, and suggested the same thing-to not update.
    Perhaps those of us who haven't can seek each other out and create a sub-community...

    I'm still on the older quests so don't have the urgent need to update at this time.

    Last edited by Jae on Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:22 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarification)

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:28 am

    Jae wrote:
    loring wrote:You should stick up on everything!!!

    You will be back to trading when you update, stock up on artefacts, items to get into rooms, chargers and anything else you can manage!!

    I'm not sure I would update if I were you,


    I've heard from several friends who've updated that they're sorry they had, and suggested the same thing-to not update.
    Perhaps those of us who haven't can seek each other out and create a sub-community...

    I'm still on the older quests so don't have the urgent need to update at this time.

    Jae--- here is the thread for that.

    Even though players have not updated they can still help those who have! Updated players can ask friends via the non-updated players comment wall or here via PM for items. I have already gifted an updated player with something she needed for the new quests and I have received items from my updated friends as well.


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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  Jae Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:34 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Jae wrote:
    loring wrote:You should stick up on everything!!!

    You will be back to trading when you update, stock up on artefacts, items to get into rooms, chargers and anything else you can manage!!

    I'm not sure I would update if I were you,


    I've heard from several friends who've updated that they're sorry they had, and suggested the same thing-to not update.
    Perhaps those of us who haven't can seek each other out and create a sub-community...

    I'm still on the older quests so don't have the urgent need to update at this time.

    Jae--- here is the thread for that.

    Even though players have not updated they can still help those who have! Updated players can ask friends via the non-updated players comment wall or here via PM for items. I have already gifted an updated player with something she needed for the new quests and I have received items from my updated friends as well.

    Thanks for that thread...I discovered yesterday that while I'm unable to visit updated friends' manors, I can still gift and chat w them Very Happy As of last night, I had many friends who still hadn't updated Smile

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  hippolyra Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:54 pm

    I am almost about to stop playing. It was really fun before but the energy recharge time is mad. At 3 mins per point it takes 4 hours to recharge to explore one room. Just boring now. I vented and gave a 1* review in the app store.

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  Kahlan Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:52 pm

    I have not been playing MM all that long, but I think that GI's business might not really be gaming.  I have been reading about bugs & glitches that have been discovered & thought that they really were not glitches, but the reward that a gamer discovers when trying unexpected features of a game.  Many real gaming companies purposely build these "tricks" into games to challenge avid gamers & keep them interested.  

    I have also been curious about the "diamond" pricing structure.  Most games charge a flat monthly or one-time fee or charge additional fees for adding game packs.  But then, the game is fully functional.  It strikes me that MM is more of a gambling type game.  They believe everyone has now gotten "hooked" & will buy diamonds to add to their existing $50B of GI income to continue playing the game.

    I believe the dissatisfaction most of us are feeling with the last update is going to backfire.  I cannot imagine that most players like us, i.e. who like hidden object games are too much into gambling games.  If we were, I don't think we would be playing MM.  If this game were reclassified as a type of gambling game, most credit cards could not be used to buy the diamonds.  Just a thought.

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  engineer Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:30 pm

    Kahlan wrote:I have not been playing MM all that long, but I think that GI's business might not really be gaming.  I have been reading about bugs & glitches that have been discovered & thought that they really were not glitches, but the reward that a gamer discovers when trying unexpected features of a game.  Many real gaming companies purposely build these "tricks" into games to challenge avid gamers & keep them interested.  

    I have also been curious about the "diamond" pricing structure.  Most games charge a flat monthly or one-time fee or charge additional fees for adding game packs.  But then, the game is fully functional.  It strikes me that MM is more of a gambling type game.  They believe everyone has now gotten "hooked" & will buy diamonds to add to their existing $50B of GI income to continue playing the game.

    I believe the dissatisfaction most of us are feeling with the last update is going to backfire.  I cannot imagine that most players like us, i.e. who like hidden object games are too much into gambling games.  If we were, I don't think we would be playing MM.  If this game were reclassified as a type of gambling game, most credit cards could not be used to buy the diamonds.  Just a thought.
    No I don't think gambling is quite the right word to use. There's no potential return on any investment in the game. And there are plenty of games that allow you to purchase "in-game currency" in order to get things faster, so they certainly aren't on the forefront of that field either. They're just greedy, and it becomes apparent that that is the case with every new update that comes out. Keeping in "bugs" that don't allow you to put items on your wish list or ask for them from friends, changing the currency for some items from coins to diamonds, inhibiting adding friends for diamonds, removing the gift codes, etc. ...I could go on!

    So no, there's not any "reclassification" that's going to happen. But, the best thing we could do is just leave our thoughts on the iTunes app reviews and in emails to support!

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  kk_mm Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:58 pm

    Dazza JP wrote:Is it just me, or are the island quests not dropping easily in the rooms ??
    I had to search one room 21 times to get the piece to drop :-(

    Really not enjoying them lol

    Same here....I'm not happy at all since the last update, quest items not dropping after numerous search, no more MG, can't request friends for charging items as before, energy is crawling like snails, etc etc etc.... Sad

    Anyone knows if requesting charging items is now on 24 hours basis regardless the gift counter reset or not?

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  welcome33 Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:07 pm

    It seems like there has to be at least 24 hours between the requests even if your list of friends has refreshed in the request window. I just tested it with my game, and I couldn't ask for a second gift until my first request showed "one day" on my friend's wall. And that didn't happen until 24 hours had passed... Does that make any sense?

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  kk_mm Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:18 pm

    welcome33 wrote:It seems like there has to be at least 24 hours between the requests even if your list of friends has refreshed in the request window. I just tested it with my game, and I couldn't ask for a second gift until my first request showed "one day" on my friend's wall. And that didn't happen until 24 hours had passed... Does that make any sense?

    Thanks Welcome33, you've just confirmed what I've gone through Sad
    It's confusing and tedious when I'm sending requests, everyone regardless a request has sent or not is on the request list, I don't like it Evil or Very Mad

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  mariahorn Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:12 pm

    Here's what I posted in the other thread about requesting gifts:

    Here's my new theory based on what I experienced. I was able to ask friends this morning without a problem. When I tried this afternoon it wouldn't let me even though I asked people I knew I hadn't asked in last 24 hours (or even a week). I wonder if you are only allowed to ask friends once a day, and when you exit and close game and then come back to the game later it thinks you already asked all your friends and you have to wait for 24 hour reset.

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  Torynn Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:32 am

    One other change, although you can find the gypsy to banish with silver coins more easily (Na-na...curly), his drop rate on horses has been really nerfed.

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  Sakura Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:50 am

    When you banish the gypsy try to use turtle of luck. It helps a lot.

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  BellaBoo297 Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:43 am

    I have updated but do not have any new quests, how do I get them? All I have is Neptune which I've had for aaaaaages!!
    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  mlle. scarlett Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:33 pm

    After you complete the Neptune quest, you will get a series of quests leading you to build a pirate ship ( hint: you will eventually need 8 of each pirate). When the pirate ship is completed you will need to do some quests on board the pirate ship ( hint: save your cannonballs until you get these quests). After that, you will get quests to get to the island.

    So, you'll need to complete the Neptune before you go any further. Read this forum for tips on how to complete the Neptune. It will really help you finish that off!

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  puertokelly Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:18 pm

    Things I don't like about this update: (aside from the obvious gifting stuff and infinite energy)
    1. I hate that it takes longer to accept gifts. Lame! How did this make the game better. That Gift Sent window has got to go
    2. I don't like that although I asked friends yesterday for something and they disappeared of my asking list, they are back on my list and yet I get the You already asked this friend message. also lame. Keep them off my list until they are available again
    3. Not this update only, but monsters that use energy to banish x10 are crazy! If I don't have unlimited energy, I'd rather search rooms than banish monsters.
    Feel free to add to list Wink

    Is there somewhere where MM actually wants our feedback?


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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Update and new room...where are all the NINJAS??

    Post  Connie-pia Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:30 pm

    They took away all ninjas except joe the farmer, then have the nerve to issue a quest that tells us to find the "miso soup in the Sakura room"!!!
    Another money grab!!!

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  Torynn Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:01 pm

    puertokelly wrote:Things I don't like about this update: (aside from the obvious gifting stuff and infinite energy)
    1. I hate that it takes longer to accept gifts. Lame! How did this make the game better. That Gift Sent window has got to go
    2. I don't like that although I asked friends yesterday for something and they disappeared of my asking list, they are back on my list and yet I get the You already asked this friend message. also lame. Keep them off my list until they are available again
    3. Not this update only, but monsters that use energy to banish x10 are crazy! If I don't have unlimited energy, I'd rather search rooms than banish monsters.
    Feel free to add to list Wink

    Is there somewhere where MM actually wants our feedback?

    ^^ this exactly. The first two items especially peeve me off. Why are friends showing to request a gift if I can't ask them?

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    Update and new room - Page 6 Empty Re: Update and new room

    Post  puertokelly Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:23 pm

    New irritation: I entered some synthesizer codes and went and spent them on stupid oil cans. I miscalculated and needed a few more diamonds. When I tried to go back to the friend code place, the page was blank. Is there a limit on that too now?

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