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    Oil cans x300


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    Oil cans x300 Empty Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:23 pm

    Currently doing "a strange recording" quest which requires 300 oil cans to banish various robots. After four days I still have zero oil cans. I don't want to spend 270 diamonds on silly oil cans either.

    Any tips?

    (another day goes by... Still none Mad )

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:58 am

    I give up.

    Game Insight - you win.

    I just spent 270 diamonds on stupid lube oil cans. This quest has got to be bugged. How can you asked for 300 oil cans and then not have any room nor any monster drop them?


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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  sjwriter Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:16 pm

    I have a similar quest that requires me 10 lube oil + 10 vacuum robot banished (taking 5 lube oil for each attack). At the very beginning the lube oil drops pretty frequent, but as time goes by...

    After some weeks I've done 6 robots only, without diamonds.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:43 pm

    I'm still bitter about spending the 270 diamonds on lube oil cans Evil or Very Mad

    Please, let me know if you have luck with that quest. Maybe it's just me.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  sjwriter Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:36 am

    Lube oils still drop but it is too rare to have it.

    With free lube oil cans I've done 7 vacuum robots already, but it seems too harsh to wait for another 15 lube oils. Finally I finish that quest by using diamonds ( 9 gives 10 oil cans).

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:59 am

    I think oil can drops were only enabled after the last update.

    Even so - I now have 10 oil cans, 10 days after I completed the quest. Going at this rate, it would have taken me 300 days to complete that quest had I not bought the canisters with diamond.


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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  engineer Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:17 pm

    Admin wrote:I think oil can drops were only enabled after the last update.

    Even so - I now have 10 oil cans, 10 days after I completed the quest. Going at this rate, it would have taken me 300 days to complete that quest had I not bought the canisters with diamond.

    Same here. I banished 2 vacuums with the ones I found, then I bought the rest Sad That took my diamond counter right down--but I knew it wasn't going to happen any other way!! I feel put off by the fact that they practically force you to buy diamonds to continue with that one...

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:25 pm

    Yes. It's either wait 10 momths or spend 270 diamonds. I'm still bitter.


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    Oil cans x300 Empty OIL CANS

    Post  JazzLamb Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:44 am

    I am on this dreadful quest..Does anyone know what you get after you spend all your diamonds to finish this quest. Should be something wonderful!

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:26 am

    I can tell you I have zero recollection of what happened after I completed this quest. This tells me that the award, if any, was not worth the 270 diamonds spent at all.

    Evil or Very Mad

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Juud Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:36 pm

    I'm doing the same quest right now... I've got 4 cans, so I still need to find 296 of them. Which is impossible, since I've had these 4 for weeks now. At first I decided to ignore the quest (just as I ignored the Lover's Ikebana quest - for weeks in a row!), but I don't have a lot of quests on my screen anymore, so to keep the game interesting, I have to do either one of these annoying quests.

    Guess I'll be visiting the FCS some more, unless anyone knows how to get lube oil without using diamonds.

    Oh and one more tip for other people on this quest, in the store you can buy 10 cans of oil, for 9 diamonds.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:43 pm

    Lover's Ikebana quest can be done in a few hours. It's better to do that first if you have a few hours to kill. Very Happy

    Otherwise, spend the diamonds on the cans.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Juud Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:46 pm

    Just need 3 more Ikebana's, so I won't take too long if I can find friends that are online and are willing to borrow their Ikebana.

    So I can wait a couple of more days before having to do this horrible robot quest. Can't believe how low the drop rate for those oil cans is. I've got a gazillion runestones, but those cans just cant seem to be found.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  pianofingers Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:11 pm

    I agree, the quickest solution here is to just buy the oil cans with diamonds. Evil or Very Mad I completed that quest by buying the 270 cans, and a few more, just because some annoying robots still remained in my manor after the quest, and I wanted to get rid of them. Turns out, 3 will always remain (1 vacuum, 1 musical, 1 television).

    I thought that the update improved the drop rate of the oil cans, but I was mistaken. I only received oil cans for the first 3 rooms I explored after the update... and then no more.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Juud Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:22 pm

    Still stuck at only 4 oil cans and I finished the Ikebana Quest (and all quests after that, because I already had all those items! Laughing ) and the only quest I can actually do now is this one...

    Thank god for the FSC now, otherwise it would probably take me days to get the diamonds I need. Drop rate for oil cans is ridiculous!

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:54 pm

    It's been 22 days since I gave up 270 diamonds for this quest.

    In these 22 days, I've only acquired an additional.... 17 oil canisters!

    Last edited by Admin on Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Juud Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:08 pm

    From my point of view, 17 really is a lot!
    Totally forgot robots don't just need oil cans, but energy too... This quest really sucks, was saving all my energy for the rescuer and bathing girls. Sad

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:15 pm

    I wish I could give these 17 away to others who need them.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Juud Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:25 pm

    That is another weird thing! I still have tusks and stuff like that, but you can't give it away. I'll just keep on milking the FCS (sorry guys, it's an emergency!) and get rid of this quest.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:27 pm

    Haha. No worries. 4000+ codes a day is enough to go around (for now! I keep track of things).

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Juud Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:41 pm

    Finished the quest!
    Got 150 xp and 300 gold, reaaaaaally worth the effort...

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:45 pm


    One less pointless quest to complete.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Oil can request

    Post  ycul Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:57 am

    I also had the lube/robot quest and after 3 weeks have only had about 7 oil cans drop. So far have only killed one vacuum robot. The quest then vanished from my wall 2 days ago. Guess there must be a time limit on it. However I still have the ikebana one. Its been there from the time I started playing. I have only 1 out of 10. Can anyone tell me how to do this quest. it really give me no more insight that to "Complete Takeshi's new quest to obtain an ikebana for Elsa". What does that mean?

    Any insight appreciated.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty Re: Oil cans x300

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:00 am

    Easiest way is to ask friends to lend it to you. If I am on your friend list, feel free to ask me on my Wall.

    Can be done in a few hours.

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    Oil cans x300 Empty ikebana

    Post  ycul Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:44 am

    Thanks! I have a good friend that has 11. What is the best way for him to lend them to me? Can he lend me all 9 at the same time?

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