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    Boycott MM


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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Boycott or Rating Blitz??

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:01 pm

    Hi everyone! I am new to this board and have been a pretty quiet player up until now. Today, I had to begin speaking up. I can't believe that Game Insight is censoring our comments and not providing the information that so many of us have requested! I am really offended Evil or Very Mad

    I think that the boycott was a great idea and commend Lori (I think that is right?) for organizing it. I think it is so important for Game Insight to understand that they cannot treat their customers this way and don't think that they have really gotten the message yet (or wouldn't they be more open with their communications to us?).

    I think we all should pledge to

    1) not buy a single thing from this company until they address the current issues and provide explanations to their global audience (not just 15 people), and
    2) give the game a 1 star rating FOR NOW. I believe that watching their five star game drop to two stars virtually over night has been a real motivator for them. They also keep deleting the posts that provide links to the app store. Additionally, they gave us all diamonds to give them a five star rating in the first place. Ideally, we should communicate that our poor rating / review will be changed to a more positive one when they treat us like customers that deserve their respect.

    As long as we are not spending money, I think we should play if we choose to and encourage our friends to boycott purchases, rate poorly, and email support to explain that their review is temporary and will be changed to a higher rating when they fulfill their customers' requests.

    Personally, I do not think anyone should participate in this 15 person Skype call. I think it is really offensive and an insult to all of us. They need to address our concerns in an open and transparent manner hat is open to all players.

    What do y'all think?


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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Lorias71 Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:17 pm

    IsabellaBeckett wrote:Hi everyone! I am new to this board and have been a pretty quiet player up until now. Today, I had to begin speaking up. I can't believe that Game Insight is censoring our comments and not providing the information that so many of us have requested! I am really offended Evil or Very Mad

    I think that the boycott was a great idea and commend Lori (I think that is right?) for organizing it. I think it is so important for Game Insight to understand that they cannot treat their customers this way and don't think that they have really gotten the message yet (or wouldn't they be more open with their communications to us?).

    I think we all should pledge to

    1) not buy a single thing from this company until they address the current issues and provide explanations to their global audience (not just 15 people), and
    2) give the game a 1 star rating FOR NOW. I believe that watching their five star game drop to two stars virtually over night has been a real motivator for them. They also keep deleting the posts that provide links to the app store. Additionally, they gave us all diamonds to give them a five star rating in the first place. Ideally, we should communicate that our poor rating / review will be changed to a more positive one when they treat us like customers that deserve their respect.

    As long as we are not spending money, I think we should play if we choose to and encourage our friends to boycott purchases, rate poorly, and email support to explain that their review is temporary and will be changed to a higher rating when they fulfill their customers' requests.

    Personally, I do not think anyone should participate in this 15 person Skype call. I think it is really offensive and an insult to all of us. They need to address our concerns in an open and transparent manner hat is open to all players.

    What do y'all think?

    I want to be on this phone call! After the letter I sent them yesterday I think that is what might have really gotten their attention. I want to hear what they have to say! Very Happy

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Skype?

    Post  jesskerz Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:24 pm

    I don't know about the Skype thing, if it will be effective or not because out thousands of players they want to choose 15?

    I think that the best GI can do is benefit from all the comments and bad ratings they got overnight and release a new update that fixes all this, if they really want to respect their players comments. They can't improve unless they read the comments and not shut anyone up...
    It's not hard to have a new update that is moderate and less demanding of us..

    Honestly, I'm disappointed at GI, for the new updates and their poor response!

    Still, I'm supporting the boycott and I will not have a couple of greedy game makers twist my arm into spending money for worthless stuff..

    It takes less button taps to delete the app than accept and thank friends for gifts... Twisted Evil

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:37 pm

    jesskerz wrote:I don't know about the Skype thing, if it will be effective or not because out thousands of players they want to choose 15?

    I think that the best GI can do is benefit from all the comments and bad ratings they got overnight and release a new update that fixes all this, if they really want to respect their players comments. They can't improve unless they read the comments and not shut anyone up... .. Twisted Evil

    I totally agree and I think standing together is a way more powerful message. I have written numerous emails to GI and know many others have too. They have never addressed any concerns. When their ratings dropped this weekend, they changed their tune (even if it is more defensive than open and helpful). We need to continue to put pressure on them and orce them to address us ALL. We are all customers and with any other product or service I would not accept a representative that I don't know speaking for me. We are not employees, we are their customers that they are supposed to value and speak to directly.

    Everyone is free to do what they want, but a FAR MORE powerful message is demanding that they address our concerns on their Facebook page - a public and open forum - rather than secretively in a private phone call. Personally, I will not support this call and will not see it as an effort to satisfy their customers and I don't think any of ou should either.

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Hme Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:47 pm

    I agree.
    The secret meeting with reps sounds like a cop out.
    In another thread in chit chat I've voiced concerns about what I consider seriou issues.
    Are those the issues that the fifteen will raise? How would I know?
    I'm an individual customer who wants better customer support and friends list back.
    I'd pay if a smarter system were implemented, like a dollar a day for infinite energy.
    Instead, I feel I'll end up with an alphabetized friends list and a diamond a day for visiting
    the manor. Too long a demands list gives GI the option to choose.

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:52 pm

    I am TOTALLY with you!! Fifteen random players do not represent all of us individual customers. And the way you have put it, Hme, makes me even more annoyed with GI for thinking that this option makes sense.

    This call is a joke and I think it is crazy to support it!


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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Hme Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:17 am

    We are all equal, just some are more equal than others. pig

    I suspect we're on the losing end of this discussion. But a quote from the wise is maybe apt here:
    "A strange game. It appears the only winning move is not to play."

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  pianofingers Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:10 am

    WarGames. You get another up vote from me just for quoting that. Very Happy

    I agree that the Skype call won't solve anything, but I think we should take the chance, just to see what they're up to.

    And it won't be secret. We're making sure the representatives will record the conversation. Not everyone has to speak, one just needs to be present as a witness and to document the whole thing. Put the Skype call on speaker phone, mute self, and record it with an external audio/video device. Upload for all of us to watch and hear.

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:11 am

    Hme wrote:We are all equal, just some are more equal than others. pig

    I suspect we're on the losing end of this discussion. But a quote from the wise is maybe apt here:
    "A strange game. It appears the only winning move is not to play."

    If I knew how to up vote, I would Smile

    It is like the twilight zone.... whatever, people can do what they want but they definitely don't represent me or my concerns with GI. I will continue to encourage negative reviews, boycott purchases, and probably go directly to apple with my complaints. I don't plan to acknowledge this silliness until they treat me like a customer with a brain and make a public statement addressing our legitimate concerns (I could not care less how many times a room is in night mode lol, but do expect them to explain why they are being dishonest about their decision to remove friend codes). My patience is almost spent and delete app is looking pretty good.

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    MM Name : Kristi

    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Kristi927 Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:38 am

    IsabellaBeckett wrote:I am TOTALLY with you!! Fifteen random players do not represent all of us individual customers. And the way you have put it, Hme, makes me even more annoyed with GI for thinking that this option makes sense.

    This call is a joke and I think it is crazy to support it!

    I do not agree 15 people represent us all, but we should be present. Since lorias71 and I started the boycott we have been elected to be on the call. I personally am reading all the concerns on all threads and mags consolidated a great list that I am adding to. If you want your voice heard please post your concerns and we will try to address them. We do not know how many question or how much time we will get. I will be recording from second device and uploading audio and transcribing for everyone. The people being chosen from this forum has YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. I have spent more hours than I care to count playing this game and only want to continue to enjoy it.

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Lorias

    Post  loring Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:47 am


    I too think Lorias should be one of our representatives (you go girl!!)along with Gibby and Queen Victoria for starters.


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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Torynn Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:39 am

    Concerns I have:
    *hate the Ty/gift sent message when accepting gifts
    *Hate that the friends code for diamonds was taken away
    *It's just cheap that the weekly game code was removed
    *I know Mg'ing was a glitch, but the fact is, we like sharing...we like visiting & gifting all our fine, remove the glitch that many of us enjoyed so much but then at least raise the restrictions on gifting. If I'm going to truly give a collection item to someone then y am I restricted to ten a day? Y do they care how generous I may be with my collections? Those should be raised to 50/day too
    *hate the low drop rate on events...if an event is on, and I play diligently, I should be able to find the items I need to banish monsters and get the quests done. If I need guns for maniacs, then i should get a gun every time I search a room, not a bat or ghost dust. The manor should be synched to drop what I CURRENTLY need. This is the second round of monster quests for me and I still won't get it done this time either Sad they r just trying to get me to cave in & buy stuff with diamonds, & that stinks.

    My thanks to all who are working so hard to have our concerns voiced! <3

    Last edited by Torynn on Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : After all this time, Torynn still makes typos!)

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Boycott?

    Post  WaccaWacca! Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:55 am

    I know this is probably a stupid question but is the consensus that we are still boycotting? At least until after this historic Skype call? confused

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Lorias71 Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:34 am

    Kristi927 wrote:
    IsabellaBeckett wrote:I am TOTALLY with you!! Fifteen random players do not represent all of us individual customers. And the way you have put it, Hme, makes me even more annoyed with GI for thinking that this option makes sense.

    This call is a joke and I think it is crazy to support it!

    I do not agree 15 people represent us all, but we should be present. Since lorias71 and I started the boycott we have been elected to be on the call. I personally am reading all the concerns on all threads and mags consolidated a great list that I am adding to. If you want your voice heard please post your concerns and we will try to address them. We do not know how many question or how much time we will get. I will be recording from second device and uploading audio and transcribing for everyone. The people being chosen from this forum has YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. I have spent more hours than I care to count playing this game and only want to continue to enjoy it.

    I totally agree with Kristi! We have the best intentions going on this call to sort out the mess they have made!

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Lorias71 Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:34 am

    loring wrote:Hi

    I too think Lorias should be one of our representatives (you go girl!!)along with Gibby and Queen Victoria for starters.


    Thanks Lo!

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Lorias71 Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:35 am

    You need to go to Facebook and cast your vote for the conference call!

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty How?

    Post  jesskerz Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:24 am

    R u guys boycotting by not opening the game, or r u playing but not purchasing anything?
    Cuz I've seen both actually...

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  brenda(Doglover) Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:20 pm

    I'm boycotting by not opening the game. From what I understand, they track how many people are playing daily, not just how much is purchased. I will continue to boycott until the majority consensus ends the boycott. Smile

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Brescot Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:38 pm

    Doglover wrote:I'm boycotting by not opening the game. From what I understand, they track how many people are playing daily, not just how much is purchased. I will continue to boycott until the majority consensus ends the boycott. Smile

    Good to know. I got on last night to clear the wall off a little bit and to add "the boycotter" to my name. Guess I won't even do that now.

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  Avis Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:01 pm

    I just got home from work expecting to see some progress on the dispute only to see that GI are wriggling on the hook! So my boycott goes in - didn't open the game at all yesterday and won't again today! I'm rediscovering the fun of playing Sudoku and backgammon on my iPad instead of waiting for MM to let me accept gifts and reloading it after it's crashed, yet again

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty What about....

    Post  jesskerz Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:57 pm

    Do u guys think that it would spite GI more if we actually play but not buy anything? Help!! I'm bored!! I will not crack!! Hehehe

    Another thought, what is everyone playing now that we boycott MM? There's a thread about other games but not much feedback

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  diana621 Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:47 pm

    Roughly 5% of the players account for about 90% of GI's income from the game. There are plenty of hardcore players like myself who haven't spent any money at all on the game. I think part of their strategy with these updates is to force those who buy few or no diamonds to start spending money. (duh). If we don't, we are no loss to GI, because we contribute little or nothing to their bottom line. The only influence the non-spenders can have is to give the game 1star reviews in the App Store.

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty No money

    Post  jesskerz Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:08 pm

    Ya, I never spent a penny on MM, all my diamonds were from leveling up or adding friends...

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Boycott article

    Post  Nynaeve Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:56 pm

    Made some news....It comes up 3rd when you google mystery manor

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    Boycott MM - Page 4 Empty Re: Boycott MM

    Post  jesskerz Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:06 pm

    Nynaeve wrote:

    Made some news....It comes up 3rd when you google mystery manor


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