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    IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI


    Letter to GI

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    Total Votes: 24

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Soozicle Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:18 am

    This is what we have come up with so far as for a group letter to be sent directly to GI. Understand that we are NOT trying to address ALL of our issues here, we are trying to get some kind of professional response out of them with this. This is only meant to be a small offering of how we can negotiate better than their FB posts can.

    This letter has been approved by at least four high level MMUFF members.

    To sign this as a "petition letter", please visit here:

    --- START OF LETTER---
    In light of recent events, we feel it imperative that our collective voice be heard with regard to the true driving force behind these events. It is our intention, as paying customers and loyal gamers, to assist you in any way we can to help the game evolve into something we can love again.

    Many of us have had the same gaming experience: we played, as it was presented to us, until approximately level 30, and up until this time many of us made in-app purchases for currency. When we realized how extremely expensive the game would become, due to the heavy restrictions of the game, many of us considered deleting the game. At that time many of us had not yet discovered the social aspect of the game, but that changed when out of exasperation with what could’ve been a fabulous game, we searched for help and found our respective forums where we met friends who shared their strategies with us. We built online friendships, some of which have become real life relationships, all with Mystery Manor as the cornerstone, as we helped each other along in the game.

    Obviously some of these strategies shared were frowned upon and they have since been removed from the game. While we accepted that it would happen one day, we were not prepared for what accompanied it. The new obstructions that have been introduced are by far more oppressive than before, and are clearly driving away frustrated players in droves. Those who have remained have taken up arms in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding; the customers you are losing are friends that we are losing. The existing lines of communication are poor; many of the suggestions are not quite fully evolved to include the fact that Game Insight is also in business to make money and are undoubtedly causing irritation for you rather than offering helpful advice. We seek to rectify that.

    There are many, many suggestions for future enhancements to the game that have been made by your customers, including the removal of the “Gift Sent” button and reinstatement of the Services tab (even if diamond rewards are not given). While we won’t go on to list the rest in this letter, those two are without a doubt the two most leveled complaints as they are the most obstructive. We do ask that these two, at least, be rectified immediately. This should be an easy “band-aid” approach against losing more players and would show good will on your part toward your commitment to enhancing, not restricting, game play.

    In the long term, we feel that better milestone rewards are in order. Based on our early experiences, we feel that you will always make the most money from new players who are desperate to get to the next level, doing so assuming conditions will ease. If you create ways for the more experienced players to help them easier, you will get more mileage out of the higher level players who, quite frankly, have made it clear that they refuse to spend any more money, and get more satisfaction out of your newer players who will be more encouraged to engage in the social element of the game rather than simply delete the app when frustrated. One suggestion may be to increase the amount of daily gifting at certain higher levels (this should also come with the ability to send additional gifts to each person, such as two chargers and two collection items at level 50, three/three at level 100, etc). Without this type of reward, the economics of the game are extreme and unreasonable. The diamonds would need to come down in price drastically to balance out the player’s ability (or lack thereof) to assist one another.

    If you take a moment to understand the players and how the gaming experience unfolds throughout the levels of play, it is easy to see how the experience can be enhanced between older and newer players while encouraging play and, therefore, making the game more profitable. We encourage you to open a more fluid line of communication where suggestions, and yes, even negotiations, can take place. As players, we by no means wish for a free ride or to make the game too easy to play. We all do enjoy a good challenge! However, the current circumstances occurred due to players feeling punished for simply trying to find joy in helping one another in a social game, where helping one another should be encouraged. There is surely a happy medium that we can come to, and we hope that the suggestions in this letter are taken seriously. Please expedite your discussions on how you plan to move forward, and ensure that your gaming public is informed with what steps you are taking. If you plan to have an emergency meeting to discuss it, let us know, and then let us know what the outcome of that meeting is. We anxiously await your feedback as to what your actions are and will be in this matter, and to date we have not been given any such information.

    Thank you,
    Mystery Manor Gamers

    Last edited by Soozicle on Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:58 pm; edited 3 times in total

    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:23 am

    Post it on so anyone an sign it , That way instead of typing a bunch of names on the letter, you can direct them to the petition site where all the names will be shown.

    I can start the petition if it sounds like a good idea

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:26 am

    Brad5868 wrote:Post it on so anyone an sign it , That way instead of typing a bunch of names on the letter, you can direct them to the petition site where all the names will be shown.

    I can start the petition if it sounds like a good idea

    Kristi is working on a petition now so I would suggest that you consolidate efforts (see her thread, which is also in Chit Chat)

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Soozicle Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:41 am

    Kristi doesn't feel that the change post should be this specific. So, we are writing a letter to GI from MMUFF directly. There will probably be a post on about our efforts, but it will be much watered down so that the general public can weigh in.

    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:49 am

    I believe everyone that wants to sign against GI should have access to this letter. With your permission sooz, I'd like to use your letter in the petition since you did so much work on it and it is an excellence piece of work. I think everyone should read it and put a signature on it.

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Flamingo Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:10 am

    Great letter! Maybe it needs a few edits before sending, IMHO.
    It is Game Insight (no s at end)
    I'm not comfortable using "desperate" in the last sentence.
    Also, a couple of the sentences are a bit long. Maybe break it up to be better understood by those who have English as their second language.
    "Those who have remained have taken up arms in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding; the customers you are losing are friends that we are losing" -Maybe make it more about them ... The customers you are loosing are the staple foundations of the "social interactive" game's success.
    And using "making the game more profitable" just doesn't sound right. Maybe ... allowing the F2P game continue its increase in sales ... Or something like that.
    Some new eyes on this letter will help fine tune it.

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Dug Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:47 am

    Great letter.

    I have been offline for a couple of days. I assume, based on this, that the conference call did not happen?

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Soozicle Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:30 am

    No, they cancelled it twice. The second time I believe was because a gaming site posted an article about the "revolt", so instead they just posted a "press releasey" type article on their FB page and left it at that. Thus, we have had the door slammed in our face.

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Great Letter

    Post  WaccaWacca! Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:06 am

    Thanks for putting it together!

    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:47 am

    The online petition has been created. Please visit the website below to add you name to. The signature list.

    Thank you

    Posts : 31
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    MM Name : Brooke

    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Brooke17724 Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:52 am

    Done Very Happy

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Avis Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:19 pm

    Brad5868 wrote:The online petition has been created. Please visit the website below to add you name to. The signature list.

    Thank you

    Done but was v.difficult - the page kept blanking out on me, maybe my iPad or a dodgy connection (although Safari is fine).

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Taylormade Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:49 pm

    I agree with your suggestions, some of the wording isnt correct and there are some run on sentences. But great letter!

    Flamingo wrote:Great letter! Maybe it needs a few edits before sending, IMHO.
    It is Game Insight (no s at end)
    I'm not comfortable using "desperate" in the last sentence.
    Also, a couple of the sentences are a bit long. Maybe break it up to be better understood by those who have English as their second language.
    "Those who have remained have taken up arms in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding; the customers you are losing are friends that we are losing" -Maybe make it more about them ... The customers you are loosing are the staple foundations of the "social interactive" game's success.
    And using "making the game more profitable" just doesn't sound right. Maybe ... allowing the F2P game continue its increase in sales ... Or something like that.
    Some new eyes on this letter will help fine tune it.

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    IMPORTANT:  A Group Letter to GI Empty Re: IMPORTANT: A Group Letter to GI

    Post  Soozicle Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:54 pm

    Please disregard Brad's link, I have made edits that he hasn't incorporated into his copy yet AND have copied it to a site that does NOT require you to enter a physical address. Please use this link as the official "Letter to GI" to sign:

    I heartily apologize to anyone that has already signed the other one. I have transferred your signatures over to the new one.

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