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    Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please!


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    Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please! Empty Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please!

    Post  Chickenchick111 Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:11 am

    Hi everyone,

    Gi have gone a touch too far in their quest for 'balanced game play' (their stock answer to any customer questions about removal of features from original game). By removing our ability to banish weakened monsters, with very little drop on the weapons needed for the multi banish required monsters like priestess/adept and phantom, it gives us very little chance of ever completing these quests without buying the weapons for hideous amounts of diamonds. In the uk, ten priestess weapons is 540 diamonds!!! Not acceptable! On a day where 860 diamonds is 69.99£ in uk it costs over 40£ to banish one priestess! How many wii or x box games or general groceries or gas or electric can I buy for that? It is totally absurd! I have raised a ticket via the 'g!' centre. I hope anyone else rattled by this will also draw the matter to game insights very limited attention and see what happens next!

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    Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please! Empty Re: Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please!

    Post  Sharbee Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:24 pm

    I am so sick of GI's sneaky changes I am almost apathetic. I have been on Vicious Zombies since the last full moon, then, I couldn't find any. Now, I only find 10/10 and after 8 hours play today, I amassed enough axes to banish ONE. And now there's Phantom Knights, also 10/10...

    So I am far behind you in Monster banishings and I am too horrified to even think about how much real life money I would have to spend if I were to buy the monster bashing items chests.

    but raise a ticket? really? I will but it won't get us anywhere. look at our last protest and where that got us. I am still reading and waiting to see if anyone has anymore information about Apples view on this crazy exploitation of players, but they are too busy making money from Samsung and their other competitors to care either.

    Corporate greed = miserable world we live in.

    The only way to hurt them is to get Anonymous to hack their servers, crash their facebook pages, gives us all loads of free diamonds and that would make me very happy. unfortunately, I don't know them, I am not that clever and I am sure they are doing more important things too.

    But, in solidarity and support, I raise that ticket Smile


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    Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please! Empty Re: Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please!

    Post  Sharbee Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:41 pm

    I could edit the above but I don't want to change it.

    keywords to be noted|

    ...were to BUY - this is key bargaining point, no-one buys diamonds or new games, they have to change their ways. But, us in MMUFF are few, don't they have thousands of players? There will always be new players who spend without realising what is to come in the near future.
    ...EXPLOITATION. This is what GI means by 'balanced game play'.

    lastly, EXPOSURE. the only thing we can do is use the media to our advantage more and that is by exposing them for their greed and exploitation by writing to game review sites, as mentioned before, national newspapers etc., and keeping the pressure on.

    But, all that will happen is that they will just remove support for the game or end it completely.

    or, if anyone has enough diamonds, buy the rights to MM and run it as it should be, a social Interactive friendly game which brings people together.

    Wish I was Bill Gates lol!

    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please! Empty Re: Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please!

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:49 pm

    I'm simply not going to give them any of my real money. Period. End of story. I haven't given them a penny yet, and I never will. If that means I won't be able to complete certain quests, then so be it. If that means I won't be able to play the game at all as I progress further along, then that's how it will be.

    That is honestly the only way GI will ever make a change. Tickets and protests may offer the game players a way to vent their frustration about the situation, but the only thing a company will ever listen to is money. If they are making money, then their ears are closed. But if their bottom line starts dropping, it's amazing how open their ears suddenly become.

    Every diamond purchased merely encourages GI to keep right on doing what they are doing.

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    Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please! Empty Re: Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please!

    Post  Chickenchick111 Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:38 pm

    Hey you guys,
    I reread my post and came to the conclusion it looks as though I am advocating buying from these crooks. I HAVE done in the past but that was before update 1.9, I have no intention of giving them a single penny more. If I buy in a shop and the items faulty I take it back and the matter gets sorted, if you buy from gi you get nothing at all. This was a lovely way for us all to while away a few hours and escape from the stresses of the real world. Sadly it's turned into its polar opposite and become a farce which I admit some days has consumed me beyond effort I've put into my real life. I've encouraged everyone I know to quit buying anything from this ludicrous bunch of buffoons and it only makes me further angry that we have to wait for stupid updates to be able to play which they advertise to all players though their website saying you can't play until you've updated, yet they sneak little titbits in and out of game function with no update necessary which just proves they've had the capability all the while to amend the stuff they've broken over the last few months but just don't want to. Everything they do of late smacks of trying to hook anyone new t the game into thinking how it is now is how it is....and to get the newbies to part with their cash. The banishing thing has really irritated me, yes to the point where I raised a ticket but only because I'd like them to shed some light on why they're so hellbent on turning everyone against them and switching off completely. There's fantastic free games out there and by gi being so blooming useless they've given me the time to discover them and play them when before I had only one game on my iPad in the whole time I've owned it. They can make all the small changes they like and call it game balance, not what we call it, but I'll never spend another penny giving them fat pockets until they sit up and take notice of us all about our needs. And on that I'm pretty certain I'll be waiting some time lol. Thank you for sending them a ticket request though, you're right, for the good it'll do lol but I'm enjoying seeing the harmonious players turn into raging zombies baying for gi blood Smile and that my friends is a really good game! Please stay calm sure are ;-) thank you again for reading the post and replying, that in itself made me feel better :-) cheers xxx
    •Vicki bans GI•
    •Vicki bans GI•

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    Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please! Empty Re: Weakens monster banish removal from friends manors....complain in droves please!

    Post  •Vicki bans GI• Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:03 pm

    Sharbee wrote:There will always be new players who spend without realising what is to come in the near future.

    As a relatively new player (been playing for about a month), I think GI may have taken it too far. I took one look at the "diamond price" of the items and then saw how much they wanted in real money for those diamonds, and my immediate thought was that they were out of their minds. There was absolutely no way I was going to pay those kind of prices for so little!

    It's actually the more experienced player who's more at risk. Once a player gets caught up in the game, it's natural to get oh, so close to some kind of goal, but just miss. But for just a few diamonds.... Once a player begins buying diamonds, it opens the flood gates for buying more. It reminds me of how a pusher develops a new junkie. It all starts off so innocently with just a little, and then it snowballs to the point the junkie will do anything for the next fix. I think the newbie is less susceptible to this since the habit has not yet formed.

    Sharbee wrote:lastly, EXPOSURE. the only thing we can do is use the media to our advantage more and that is by exposing them for their greed and exploitation by writing to game review sites, as mentioned before, national newspapers etc., and keeping the pressure on.

    This is what I did when the game begged for me to rate the game on Apple. I rated it low because of the outlandish prices and said so. Not that anyone is going to actually read my one review out of the hundreds of others, but at least it felt good to write it.

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