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4 posters

    Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight.


    Posts : 169
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    Location : London
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    MM Name : samc147

    Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight. Empty Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight.

    Post  Samc147 Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:44 am

    Although I will be striking today in support of the action already started.

    What I will also do is the following as I believe this maybe a more effective way of telling Gi how we feel.

    I suggest that if everyone tells all there friends to email GI today and asked them all the questions that they are not happy with about the game. For example friends codes and the 2 different explanations we have had about this.

    All the bugs like ask a friend for a gift.

    All the things that annoy you with the new updates.

    I am an original player and I believe that I will have some original players on my friends list along with new players and we could spread the word easy by using our time today that we would normally use playing the game spreading the word to email GI as some people probably don't even know that they can do this.

    This is what I am going to copy and paste to all my friends and hope they will copy and paste this on.

    Please email GI today and complain about the new updates. Please pass this on to all your friends.


    Posts : 169
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    Location : London
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    MM Name : samc147

    Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight. Empty Re: Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight.

    Post  Samc147 Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:28 am

    I have sent it to all my updated friends. Let's see how quick this gets sent around and hopefully everyone will email GI today.

    Posts : 3
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    MM Name : NatDream

    Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight. Empty Re: Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight.

    Post  NatDream Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:27 am

    Samc147 wrote:I have sent it to all my updated friends. Let's see how quick this gets sent around and hopefully everyone will email GI today.

    Good idea! Please Add email address for sending emails

    Posts : 169
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    Join date : 2012-06-08
    Location : London
    Friend Code : Pm me
    MM Name : samc147

    Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight. Empty Re: Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight.

    Post  Samc147 Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:30 am

    NatDream wrote:
    Samc147 wrote:I have sent it to all my updated friends. Let's see how quick this gets sent around and hopefully everyone will email GI today.

    Good idea! Please Add email address for sending emails

    you go to game insight web site and create a support ticket.

    Posts : 41
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    Join date : 2012-04-13
    Location : Brooklyn, New York

    Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight. Empty Re: Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight.

    Post  lell Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:10 pm

    Omg, I don't know what I voted for!!! There was a bar on the right side in post 1. When I clicked it, it said something to the effect that I voted. It was an MM moment. sorry if I voted In the negative. It was not intentional. Can I fix it? @
    Essex girl
    Essex girl

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    MM Name : Charlie

    Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight. Empty Re: Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight.

    Post  Essex girl Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:53 pm

    Samc147 wrote:Although I will be striking today in support of the action already started.

    What I will also do is the following as I believe this maybe a more effective way of telling Gi how we feel.

    I suggest that if everyone tells all there friends to email GI today and asked them all the questions that they are not happy with about the game. For example friends codes and the 2 different explanations we have had about this.

    All the bugs like ask a friend for a gift.

    All the things that annoy you with the new updates.

    I am an original player and I believe that I will have some original players on my friends list along with new players and we could spread the word easy by using our time today that we would normally use playing the game spreading the word to email GI as some people probably don't even know that they can do this.

    This is what I am going to copy and paste to all my friends and hope they will copy and paste this on.

    Please email GI today and complain about the new updates. Please pass this on to all your friends.

    Hey Sam! Following your message to me this morning, as you know i let my friends know. Loads of them have written back to say theyre sending the email, so hopefully word is spreading Very Happy

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    Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight. Empty Re: Maybe a more effective way of getting through to Game Insight.

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